I'm gonna say a bunch of stuff that no one cares about. So stop reading right now.
Okay, so state orchestra gets me back in time to not see the precalc lesson, but to get the homework. After school, I race over to section leader auditions to command dumb people when Schwindt is in his office not even looking. And the I race over to BSYO to arrive 45 min late because of section leader stupids and I feel blessed because Mr Pranno didnt even raise an eyebrow when I walked in that late. And then I got home at 9:30 and I still had lots of precalc to teach myself and also dinner and shower. So I didnt get into bed until really late and then theres the whole falling alseep part which seems to be a problem lately too.
And then yesterday was the senior skit which was really funy but there were also section leader auditions and I didnt get home till treally late and I didnt get to sleep until even later.
And today I lost my appetite which is not good because if you lose a little bit, you end up eating nopthing at all. Which is pretty much what I ate all day.
Kay bye.
Sunday, April 27, 2003
I went to the mall yesterday and my mommy bought me a new purse and a new pair of shoes. Yay!
Been sitting around all day, listening to Bond and playing Animal Crossing. Once I went out of the house to take a bike ride. They make me feel good, like I've fulfilled my weekly exercise requirement or something. Then I practiced and made my poster for English. This poster is really funny, if I do say so myself. We have been reading The Inferno and learning about propaganda, so he merged the two and we had to make a brochure for hell. It has a picture of the devil, saying "Because you deserve the best" and at the bottom it has a slogan that says "Hell. A place so good, people are dying to get in." That's celebrity endorsement and the snob appeal. Hooray for me.
In other news, I haven't got much sleep lately. I think I've turned into some kind of light insomniac. This is no good. People look better when they've gottan enough sleep.
Orchestra festival is tomorrow. I hope I hit the high G's on my solo.
Been sitting around all day, listening to Bond and playing Animal Crossing. Once I went out of the house to take a bike ride. They make me feel good, like I've fulfilled my weekly exercise requirement or something. Then I practiced and made my poster for English. This poster is really funny, if I do say so myself. We have been reading The Inferno and learning about propaganda, so he merged the two and we had to make a brochure for hell. It has a picture of the devil, saying "Because you deserve the best" and at the bottom it has a slogan that says "Hell. A place so good, people are dying to get in." That's celebrity endorsement and the snob appeal. Hooray for me.
In other news, I haven't got much sleep lately. I think I've turned into some kind of light insomniac. This is no good. People look better when they've gottan enough sleep.
Orchestra festival is tomorrow. I hope I hit the high G's on my solo.
I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You? |
Saturday, April 26, 2003
I blogged to write a poem
a poem everyone will hate
I know this from experience
They are never really great
What inspired this masterpiece
no one will ever know
I think it was a passing guy
who said his name was moe
So whats the point of this poem, you ask
the point is very clear
to make a great fool of myself
and say the sentence I fear
That last sentence made no sense
it made no sense at all
After I posted in my blog today
I went to the mall
Heres the end of my poem
the end of the whole thing
Gandalf came to my house today
and gave me the one ring
Made in good humor by Ash
I <3 blogger
a poem everyone will hate
I know this from experience
They are never really great
What inspired this masterpiece
no one will ever know
I think it was a passing guy
who said his name was moe
So whats the point of this poem, you ask
the point is very clear
to make a great fool of myself
and say the sentence I fear
That last sentence made no sense
it made no sense at all
After I posted in my blog today
I went to the mall
Heres the end of my poem
the end of the whole thing
Gandalf came to my house today
and gave me the one ring
Made in good humor by Ash
I <3 blogger
Katie's dumb because she's just as good as me and two years younger. I'm just waiting for the day that she beats me because I know its gonna happen. It's the same thing as the time I beat Heather, I suppose, and that scares me. My BSYO audition was today, and I did pretty good. I nailed my solo, which is the hardest part. All except the sight reading, which I was stupid enough not to look at the time sig and it ended up being in cut time. Guess what I played it in? A slow 4/4. Good job, Ashley. So now Katie beats me and I'm not first chair anymore. The end.
So, in conclusion, I go practice.
and then it's shoe shopping mania!
Kay, bye
So, in conclusion, I go practice.
and then it's shoe shopping mania!
Kay, bye
Friday, April 25, 2003
So now I got two blogs AND my secret little black book to keep track of? Jeez. What's up with all this? Go to www.enigmaticband.blogspot.com or just click the new link that I will prolly put on my blog. Wow, why does everyone have a blog now? I dont think we realize how many people actually have blogs. It's like, everyone except the kitchen sink. Maybe the kitchen sink even has one. Or maybe its just popular within the people I know. Who knows? And they all started after mine. Hahaha. I like to pretend that I started this whole thing by starting this blog. But we all know I didnt. K, c-ya.
Sunday, April 20, 2003
Happy Easter, everyone. May God bless you all.
Here is a sample of some of my favorite songs we sang at church:
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
I can feel his mighty power and his grace
I can feel the brush of angel wings
I see glory on each face
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
Lord, I lift your name on high
Lord, I love to sing your praises
I'm so glad you're in my life
I'm so glad you came to save us
You came from heaven to earth to show the way
From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay
from the cross to the grave
from the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift your name on high
I need to change my life.
Now to talk about my problems.
There's this rash on my finger, one of those that you can feel but not see. It pains me whenever I touch something, but, on the surface, it looks completely normal. I can examine it any way I want, but I cannot see anything wrong. Only on the inside does it hurt. And what is the cause of this horrid rash? There's only fate to blame. When I saw the doctor, she said it was prolly from too much contact on something. Yay.
I wish it would go away.
Why does this remind me of the omelette story? Hmmmm....
I'll see you guys on the flip side. Or tomorrow at school. Signing off..
Here is a sample of some of my favorite songs we sang at church:
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
I can feel his mighty power and his grace
I can feel the brush of angel wings
I see glory on each face
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
Lord, I lift your name on high
Lord, I love to sing your praises
I'm so glad you're in my life
I'm so glad you came to save us
You came from heaven to earth to show the way
From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay
from the cross to the grave
from the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift your name on high
I need to change my life.
Now to talk about my problems.
There's this rash on my finger, one of those that you can feel but not see. It pains me whenever I touch something, but, on the surface, it looks completely normal. I can examine it any way I want, but I cannot see anything wrong. Only on the inside does it hurt. And what is the cause of this horrid rash? There's only fate to blame. When I saw the doctor, she said it was prolly from too much contact on something. Yay.
I wish it would go away.
Why does this remind me of the omelette story? Hmmmm....
I'll see you guys on the flip side. Or tomorrow at school. Signing off..
Saturday, April 19, 2003
So I was riding my bike yesterday, and this car was behind me, right? When it passes me, a kid that couldn't have possibly been in high school yet pops his head out the window and yells, "Can I get some ass?" I started laughing and couldn't stop...this kid had to have been at least 3 years younger than me. I was like "Come back when you've hit puberty" (not out loud, of course). That was the funny of the day. It was so dang funny.
Friday, April 18, 2003
This quiz doesnt have the most convincing results, but it's very fun and funny to take. So take it.

what's your battle cry? |
mewing.net | merchandise!
what's your battle cry? |
mewing.net | merchandise!
Hahaha the link is forbidden now hahahahahaha.
Here's a good excerpt from the book I'm reading:
"Is that how we lived, then? But we lived as usual. Everyone does, most of the time. Whatever is going on is usual. Even this is as now, usual.
We lived, as usual, by ignoring. Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it.
Nothing changes instantaneously: in a gradually heating bathtub you'd be boiled to death before you knew it."
OK, so what's the deal with auditions? The more you want to do well, the more nervous you get and the worse you do. So the desire to do well actually makes you do worse. Why do I bring this up? Because today I had an audition that I REALLY REALLY wanted to do well at, and I killed my chances because I was so nervous. I can relax at minor auditions, and they see how I can truly play. Curse you, nerves, curse you.
In response to the commotion in everyone else's blogs, yeah, ummm, don't talk about people behind their backs and stuff. Because once I was doing that and the person I was talking about was right behind me. Man, did I feel stupid. I sure learned my lesson.
Here's a good excerpt from the book I'm reading:
"Is that how we lived, then? But we lived as usual. Everyone does, most of the time. Whatever is going on is usual. Even this is as now, usual.
We lived, as usual, by ignoring. Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it.
Nothing changes instantaneously: in a gradually heating bathtub you'd be boiled to death before you knew it."
OK, so what's the deal with auditions? The more you want to do well, the more nervous you get and the worse you do. So the desire to do well actually makes you do worse. Why do I bring this up? Because today I had an audition that I REALLY REALLY wanted to do well at, and I killed my chances because I was so nervous. I can relax at minor auditions, and they see how I can truly play. Curse you, nerves, curse you.
In response to the commotion in everyone else's blogs, yeah, ummm, don't talk about people behind their backs and stuff. Because once I was doing that and the person I was talking about was right behind me. Man, did I feel stupid. I sure learned my lesson.
Thursday, April 17, 2003
If I were one of Elgar's Enigma Variations, I would be Sir Edward Elgar (E.D.U.). I am the exalted composer of this magnificent work, surrounded by my adoring circle of friends. I am energetic and somewhat enigmatic myself, a big fan of codes and logic puzzles. As for the abbreviation, it's a paraphrase of my wife's pet name for me, Edoo. Who would you be? Enigma Variations Personality Test |
Until yesterday, I forgot just how beautiful choir practice can be. I should probably go more often. It really is a nice experience. Even though I have a suspicion that more than half of them cant even read music. But thats a-ok.
I don't like when people talk excessively. It gets on my nerves. Especially when they have no reason in particular to be talking. I think people should take more time to just sit and not talk. Just think or listen or both. I know that when I am talking, I cannot think, and I assume it is this way with everyone else. Therefore, if someone is talking ALL the time, they have no time to think, n'est pas? Ideas and solutions, I think, come from not talking but thinking. Maybe this is just my viewpoint because I don't talk enough. Or maybe it's really true. Then there's the communication thing. "But we need to talk to communicate those ideas!" Of course. But, if speaking is done in excess, the words hinder the thought. The most clear and consise thoughts are put in a small amount of words. People also often only care about their ideas and not about anybody else's, and they end up fighting or screaming etc to make their voice heard. I know you have seen this happen before.
"What is the conclusion to all this rambling?" you ask. (And it is rambling. This is how my brain tells me things) I just think people should slow down, talk less, and listen more.
Once, me and a group of some of my friends were playing hot seat. Except with friends it's more like truth or dare without the dare. We took turns asking each other questions. Once, I thought of a really good question: "What are some of the things you think about the most?" It was strange and also very interesting because all out answers were very different. They gave some answers that I hadn't even thought of before. I think it's very cool to see how different people can be. And we were even all friends, so we should have had at least along the same lines of thought patterns. But it was not so.
I was pondering that question once (which was cool. I was thinking about what I think about the most), and realized that one of the things I think about a lot is scenes and conversations that I create in my head. In my mind, I make up all kinds of conversations with people. The Ashley of my head is very different from the real-life Ashley. The Ashley of my head is very bold; she walks right up to people and tells them exactly what she thinks. The real Ashley? She would never say most of those things ever, either for shyness or fear or other constraint. I wish I could do or say some of those things, but it cannot be so. Why? Because I can't think of a good answer to that question so I'll say this: shehawrar.
Ya know what sucks? When I'm a senior, all my best friends of today will be graduated already. All except Shannon, Katie, and that bum that used to follow me around. (ITS A JOKE HAHAHAHA)
There. I'm done now. You can all go back to your little holes.
I don't like when people talk excessively. It gets on my nerves. Especially when they have no reason in particular to be talking. I think people should take more time to just sit and not talk. Just think or listen or both. I know that when I am talking, I cannot think, and I assume it is this way with everyone else. Therefore, if someone is talking ALL the time, they have no time to think, n'est pas? Ideas and solutions, I think, come from not talking but thinking. Maybe this is just my viewpoint because I don't talk enough. Or maybe it's really true. Then there's the communication thing. "But we need to talk to communicate those ideas!" Of course. But, if speaking is done in excess, the words hinder the thought. The most clear and consise thoughts are put in a small amount of words. People also often only care about their ideas and not about anybody else's, and they end up fighting or screaming etc to make their voice heard. I know you have seen this happen before.
"What is the conclusion to all this rambling?" you ask. (And it is rambling. This is how my brain tells me things) I just think people should slow down, talk less, and listen more.
Once, me and a group of some of my friends were playing hot seat. Except with friends it's more like truth or dare without the dare. We took turns asking each other questions. Once, I thought of a really good question: "What are some of the things you think about the most?" It was strange and also very interesting because all out answers were very different. They gave some answers that I hadn't even thought of before. I think it's very cool to see how different people can be. And we were even all friends, so we should have had at least along the same lines of thought patterns. But it was not so.
I was pondering that question once (which was cool. I was thinking about what I think about the most), and realized that one of the things I think about a lot is scenes and conversations that I create in my head. In my mind, I make up all kinds of conversations with people. The Ashley of my head is very different from the real-life Ashley. The Ashley of my head is very bold; she walks right up to people and tells them exactly what she thinks. The real Ashley? She would never say most of those things ever, either for shyness or fear or other constraint. I wish I could do or say some of those things, but it cannot be so. Why? Because I can't think of a good answer to that question so I'll say this: shehawrar.
Ya know what sucks? When I'm a senior, all my best friends of today will be graduated already. All except Shannon, Katie, and that bum that used to follow me around. (ITS A JOKE HAHAHAHA)
There. I'm done now. You can all go back to your little holes.
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Je suis un chef-d'oeuvre de la nature
(I am a masterpiece of nature)
J'ai cet ecris avec mon main gauche
(I wrote that with my left hand)
Je me casse mon l'epee
(I sprained my sword)
Le bifteck as ete affreux heir soir
(The steak was frightful last night)
Bien, tant pis pour toi.
(Well, too bad for you)
Fun with french. The grammer might be a little off. But I get my point across.
Speaking of french, I have another anecdote. Today in french, a question was asked about what the passe simple is used for. I said "To describe historical events" and Mr. Zack heard "To do a circle dance," which set Sean Paul laughing like never before. It wasn't THAT funny.
(I am a masterpiece of nature)
J'ai cet ecris avec mon main gauche
(I wrote that with my left hand)
Je me casse mon l'epee
(I sprained my sword)
Le bifteck as ete affreux heir soir
(The steak was frightful last night)
Bien, tant pis pour toi.
(Well, too bad for you)
Fun with french. The grammer might be a little off. But I get my point across.
Speaking of french, I have another anecdote. Today in french, a question was asked about what the passe simple is used for. I said "To describe historical events" and Mr. Zack heard "To do a circle dance," which set Sean Paul laughing like never before. It wasn't THAT funny.
Saturday, April 12, 2003
Thursday, April 10, 2003
According to Craig, my dad is Richard Gere, my sister is Catherine Zeta Jones, my uncle is Zorro, ("Uncle Zorro, I'm being opressed. Can you help me?") and my grandfather is Elvis, who is still alive. Thanks Craig. We sure do have an interesting family.
Yay! New CD's:
Aaron Copland (I have a reformed opinion about his work)
Mozart flute quartet
The magic of Satie
Great conductor of the 20th century: Ferenc Fricsay
The Canticle of the Sun/Music for Flute, Strings, and Percussion
and my lovely allstate cd
Thank God for God and music. Often I wonder: where would I be without music? I don't really have any other interests. At all. I mean, I get good grades and all, but that doesnt mean I'm interested in any of it. If I didn't play flute, what would I do? I would have all the time in the world. I would come home every day after school and.....stay home. That's such a weird concept. I guess I'd prolly find something. But what? Oh well. Until I get carpal tunnel (sp?) I won't have to worry about it.
Clay should win American Idol. Nyeh.
Yay! New CD's:
Aaron Copland (I have a reformed opinion about his work)
Mozart flute quartet
The magic of Satie
Great conductor of the 20th century: Ferenc Fricsay
The Canticle of the Sun/Music for Flute, Strings, and Percussion
and my lovely allstate cd
Thank God for God and music. Often I wonder: where would I be without music? I don't really have any other interests. At all. I mean, I get good grades and all, but that doesnt mean I'm interested in any of it. If I didn't play flute, what would I do? I would have all the time in the world. I would come home every day after school and.....stay home. That's such a weird concept. I guess I'd prolly find something. But what? Oh well. Until I get carpal tunnel (sp?) I won't have to worry about it.
Clay should win American Idol. Nyeh.
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
I didnt know "vibratoing" was a verb.
Learn something new everyday.
Unless Schwindt just said that. Which is quite possible.
I love my outlook on life. I have a knack for seeing the humor in things, I think. Thats why I'm always laughing. Like when Mr. Mormon (sp) just throws out jokes, but people usually can't tell because he doesnt change his expression or anything? I think he's hilarious.
very fun to say if you do it right
Learn something new everyday.
Unless Schwindt just said that. Which is quite possible.
I love my outlook on life. I have a knack for seeing the humor in things, I think. Thats why I'm always laughing. Like when Mr. Mormon (sp) just throws out jokes, but people usually can't tell because he doesnt change his expression or anything? I think he's hilarious.
very fun to say if you do it right
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Friday, April 04, 2003
The beach is good.
I spent (relatively) a lot of mulah today. At least I have already paid off my Canon debts. Thats good. PLUS I made Heather get Aldous Huxley Brave New World at the bookstore. heheheeee
"Man overboard!!"
-Heather's brother when he dropped stuff in the fondue pot
Stupid SAT. I coulve been playing piccolo with some people.
I spent (relatively) a lot of mulah today. At least I have already paid off my Canon debts. Thats good. PLUS I made Heather get Aldous Huxley Brave New World at the bookstore. heheheeee
"Man overboard!!"
-Heather's brother when he dropped stuff in the fondue pot
Stupid SAT. I coulve been playing piccolo with some people.
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
I figured out how to put songs on my phone today. I put on Sonatina (my solo) mvt 111 and excerpts from Symphonic Metamorphasis, Jupiter, and Enigma Variations. I'm such a dork. Ya learn to love me.
Also, I drove solo for the first time today. I like it. There's no mom to scream at you if you make a tiny mistake. And she would, too. You know it, I know it....
OK listen to this. Remember when they made me wash my car when it was about to rain? Now they are complaining that my car is dirty again and I have to wash it again tomorrow. I think they're just mad because they knew it was a stupid idea and made the bad decision anyway. What's the point of a clean car, anyway? Looks? Since when are looks the most important thing? Sigh. I love my parents.
Oh yeah Oh yeah
Also, I drove solo for the first time today. I like it. There's no mom to scream at you if you make a tiny mistake. And she would, too. You know it, I know it....
OK listen to this. Remember when they made me wash my car when it was about to rain? Now they are complaining that my car is dirty again and I have to wash it again tomorrow. I think they're just mad because they knew it was a stupid idea and made the bad decision anyway. What's the point of a clean car, anyway? Looks? Since when are looks the most important thing? Sigh. I love my parents.
Oh yeah Oh yeah