Shut up brain, I'm sad.
I wouldve cried 5 times today if I wasnt a robot.
Good thing I have no emotions.
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Rebecca- Thank you
Asher- Thank you
Craig- Thank you
Josh- Thank you
Here's some advice, kiddies: When something is bothering you, TELL SOMEONE. Even if they cant help you with your problem, it will make you feel better. Why I thought bottling everything up was gonna help things is beyond me.
Today when I was at Jackson, I was in the best mood I've been in for a while. I was dancing around, being hyper and before. I've missed that mood for a while. I don't know what happened. But whatever happened is gone now. And I hope it never comes again.
To future Ashley (and blog readers who care. which means no one): Sometimes things like that happen, with no explination. Like your tone suddenly gets really bad or you suddenly get really depressed. And it can be, and will be, very bad. Don't despair! Your tone will get better in a few days, and someday, no matter how much it feels like you won't, you will be happy again. All these things need are time and a little bit of effort. But mostly time.
Good things can happen too, without explanation. You don't notice those things. They feel more normal, somehow.
Asher- Thank you
Craig- Thank you
Josh- Thank you
Here's some advice, kiddies: When something is bothering you, TELL SOMEONE. Even if they cant help you with your problem, it will make you feel better. Why I thought bottling everything up was gonna help things is beyond me.
Today when I was at Jackson, I was in the best mood I've been in for a while. I was dancing around, being hyper and before. I've missed that mood for a while. I don't know what happened. But whatever happened is gone now. And I hope it never comes again.
To future Ashley (and blog readers who care. which means no one): Sometimes things like that happen, with no explination. Like your tone suddenly gets really bad or you suddenly get really depressed. And it can be, and will be, very bad. Don't despair! Your tone will get better in a few days, and someday, no matter how much it feels like you won't, you will be happy again. All these things need are time and a little bit of effort. But mostly time.
Good things can happen too, without explanation. You don't notice those things. They feel more normal, somehow.
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Monday, October 27, 2003
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Why can't I just be happy? Why do I, even though I live in a world full of loving and supportive people, find myself utterly alone in a world with no love? Why is there so much I do not know? Why am I losing my God? Why have I stopped trying to do things I used to love to do? Why do I not care anymore? Why do I find no enjoyment in anything anymore? What happened to the carefree joy I used to have? Did it go into the work of marching band, the stress of school, or the loss of sleep? Where did it go? Why do I feel like this? Why?
Every sentence in this post is a question?
Every sentence in this post is a question?
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Monday, October 20, 2003
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
This is a fun quiz. I dont entirely get the picture that goes with the results, though...

You would give a vampire a good fight. Obviously
you are not a vampire hunter, but you are
definitely not an easy victim. You have a 50%
chance of defeating a vampire.
Can you survive an attack by a vampire?
brought to you by Quizilla
You would give a vampire a good fight. Obviously
you are not a vampire hunter, but you are
definitely not an easy victim. You have a 50%
chance of defeating a vampire.
Can you survive an attack by a vampire?
brought to you by Quizilla
Physics textbook, page 222:
"When you throw a ball into the air, you do work on it. As it leaves your hand, it has kinetic energy. As the ball rises, its speed is reduced because of the downward force of the earth's gravity. The ball moves up, but the force is down, so the work on the ball is negative, and the kinetic energy on the ball becomes smaller."
Guess who doesnt care?
Guess who needs more sleep because she took 3 times to read this and understand?
Okay, yeah, me, I'm what this blog is all about. And stuff. Busy week, busy weekend. I hope I have time to get some sleep somewhere in here. Its gonna be tough. Im pretty tired right now. I'm glad theres no marching band tonight. I would die. Not really. But I would be in a state of fatigue. Is that possible? A state of fatigue?
Anyway, I think I'll take it easy tonight. Listen to some Mozart. Maybe watch the tv. Ya know whats sad? There is no earthly reason why I have a television in my room. I cant remember the last time I turned my tv on. The remote is very very dusty. It mustve been at least a couple months since I last tuned it on. At least. I never watch tv anymore. Never have time. Not that I'm complaining. I like tv as muh as the next guy, but I dont like to waste my life away watching an extraordinary amount. I have better things to do. Like waste my life away on the computer. And waste my life away attempting to be good on flute. And waste my life away trying to make the grade.
I have a really good life, you know that? I could be starving or in bad health, I could be in a different, not-so-wealthy country where opportunity is less, I could have a bad home life with no love, I could have an acidic social life, I could have bad grades and so many other problems. But I don't. I'm lucky. Very lucky. Sometimes I think I forget to step back and look at the big picture. I'm a lucky person, that me.
As much as I complain about things, I usually have the good end of the deal. No matter how bad off you are, there's always someone who's worse. And thats the truth.
"When you throw a ball into the air, you do work on it. As it leaves your hand, it has kinetic energy. As the ball rises, its speed is reduced because of the downward force of the earth's gravity. The ball moves up, but the force is down, so the work on the ball is negative, and the kinetic energy on the ball becomes smaller."
Guess who doesnt care?
Guess who needs more sleep because she took 3 times to read this and understand?
Okay, yeah, me, I'm what this blog is all about. And stuff. Busy week, busy weekend. I hope I have time to get some sleep somewhere in here. Its gonna be tough. Im pretty tired right now. I'm glad theres no marching band tonight. I would die. Not really. But I would be in a state of fatigue. Is that possible? A state of fatigue?
Anyway, I think I'll take it easy tonight. Listen to some Mozart. Maybe watch the tv. Ya know whats sad? There is no earthly reason why I have a television in my room. I cant remember the last time I turned my tv on. The remote is very very dusty. It mustve been at least a couple months since I last tuned it on. At least. I never watch tv anymore. Never have time. Not that I'm complaining. I like tv as muh as the next guy, but I dont like to waste my life away watching an extraordinary amount. I have better things to do. Like waste my life away on the computer. And waste my life away attempting to be good on flute. And waste my life away trying to make the grade.
I have a really good life, you know that? I could be starving or in bad health, I could be in a different, not-so-wealthy country where opportunity is less, I could have a bad home life with no love, I could have an acidic social life, I could have bad grades and so many other problems. But I don't. I'm lucky. Very lucky. Sometimes I think I forget to step back and look at the big picture. I'm a lucky person, that me.
As much as I complain about things, I usually have the good end of the deal. No matter how bad off you are, there's always someone who's worse. And thats the truth.
Sunday, October 19, 2003
Oh man oh man.
I feel great. Oh, I feel so great.
just kidding
I wish I wish I had some sleep. If only...
I have a new buddy icon. Its a negative chasing an AIM guy under a radical and it says "Imaginary buddy." Im cool.
Holloween horror nights is crazy. People jump out at you from every which way and shake chainsaws at you and throw stuff in your direction. And stuff that you think is part of the park starts moving, like trees and walls and rocks. They come and attack you! But they never touch you and its all pretend. I had to keep telling myself that. But it sure feels real.
"You're scared. That means youre having fun."
Well, time to go clean and do homework and practce. The regulars. What an end to what a weekend.
I feel great. Oh, I feel so great.
just kidding
I wish I wish I had some sleep. If only...
I have a new buddy icon. Its a negative chasing an AIM guy under a radical and it says "Imaginary buddy." Im cool.
Holloween horror nights is crazy. People jump out at you from every which way and shake chainsaws at you and throw stuff in your direction. And stuff that you think is part of the park starts moving, like trees and walls and rocks. They come and attack you! But they never touch you and its all pretend. I had to keep telling myself that. But it sure feels real.
"You're scared. That means youre having fun."
Well, time to go clean and do homework and practce. The regulars. What an end to what a weekend.
Sunday, October 12, 2003
OK get this. I really really want to practice right now. Ive been sucking lately and stuff. Plus no ones home and I could practice in the sitting/do nothing room, which is the best place in the house to practice. So I get my flute out and play a few notes. Then I get into technical excercises and the cut on my finger, which happens to rest right on a vital key, decides to open again. It hurts me when I play plus its pussin and stuff and thats no good to get on my flute. So I put a band-aid on it, with some vain hope that I might be able to play with a bandaid on the tip of my finger with an open holed key. No luck. I want to not suck and stuff and Ive hardly practiced all weekend. And allcountys coming up. People are expecting a lot out of me this year, myself included. But nothing gonna happen if I SUCK. My tone used to be beautiful and vibrant but now it sounds like Im stuggling just to get notes out. Which I am. What happened?
Hey get this too. Today I drove an hour to orlando to take a picture with my orchestra. The picture took about 5 minutes. Then I drove an hour home.
Maybe I should take a nap.
Hey get this too. Today I drove an hour to orlando to take a picture with my orchestra. The picture took about 5 minutes. Then I drove an hour home.
Maybe I should take a nap.
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
A trapeziod is just a triangle with its head cut off.
Exams. To bah with them. Espacially physics. Halfway over! Woo! I'm looking forward to lots of things, and one of them is the end of physics.
One of them is the concert.
One of them is homecoming.
One of the is the end of marching band.
One of them is...winter break?
Ok well see ya.
Exams. To bah with them. Espacially physics. Halfway over! Woo! I'm looking forward to lots of things, and one of them is the end of physics.
One of them is the concert.
One of them is homecoming.
One of the is the end of marching band.
One of them is...winter break?
Ok well see ya.
Monday, October 06, 2003
Haha my new name is funny. And stuff.
So....yeah. Not much upstairs right now. Man I cant type. Ah well, Thats what bloggers are for. Go read the poem I wrote, it's really bad. But I had to write it. It's moderatly not really funny.
What the heck is our exam in English gonna be?
19 more days till homecoming
Too many more days till marching band ends.
Too many more days till physics ends.
Not enough days until all-county auditions. (bleh)
Too many days until the next weekend.
Le temps passe tres vite, et la jeunesse n'a qu'un temps.
Time passes very quickly, and you're only young once.
So....yeah. Not much upstairs right now. Man I cant type. Ah well, Thats what bloggers are for. Go read the poem I wrote, it's really bad. But I had to write it. It's moderatly not really funny.
What the heck is our exam in English gonna be?
19 more days till homecoming
Too many more days till marching band ends.
Too many more days till physics ends.
Not enough days until all-county auditions. (bleh)
Too many days until the next weekend.
Le temps passe tres vite, et la jeunesse n'a qu'un temps.
Time passes very quickly, and you're only young once.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
Ahh. I remember a time when I used to rest a lot on the weekend and recover all the lost sleep from the preceeding week. Those were the good old days. Not really. Now I sleep less on the weekend. Strange.
I've been busy busy busy busy bee. Or a busy human. That too. Things, for the most part, are going well. I guess. I just wish I got more sleep sometimes. It's not fun walking around like a zombie all the time, ya know? Next weekend is gonna be just as bad. Got SAT in the morning of Sat, church in the mornin of Sun. Ah well. It'll all be over soon. Stupid marching band. Hey people who read this blog, everyone heard our idea? Ya know how Mr. Schwindt has been kinda down lately? We want to do something to cheer him up. Remember when Schwindt gave all the section leaders little notes with good stuff about them written on em? Well, we want to do the same thing to him. Everyone write little notes with good stuff about Mr. Schwindt on it, and give them to me, Rebecca, Erin, Alyssa, or one of the crew, and we're gonna put them in a jar or something so every time he feels sad he can just pull one out and read it. And don't put your name on it either. I think it's a swell idea. And it made feel good just planning it. I like making people feel good, it makes me feel good. :) So get to it. Write, write write! We're somehow gonna get the whole band in on it.
In other news, my stomach don't like me no more.
I've been busy busy busy busy bee. Or a busy human. That too. Things, for the most part, are going well. I guess. I just wish I got more sleep sometimes. It's not fun walking around like a zombie all the time, ya know? Next weekend is gonna be just as bad. Got SAT in the morning of Sat, church in the mornin of Sun. Ah well. It'll all be over soon. Stupid marching band. Hey people who read this blog, everyone heard our idea? Ya know how Mr. Schwindt has been kinda down lately? We want to do something to cheer him up. Remember when Schwindt gave all the section leaders little notes with good stuff about them written on em? Well, we want to do the same thing to him. Everyone write little notes with good stuff about Mr. Schwindt on it, and give them to me, Rebecca, Erin, Alyssa, or one of the crew, and we're gonna put them in a jar or something so every time he feels sad he can just pull one out and read it. And don't put your name on it either. I think it's a swell idea. And it made feel good just planning it. I like making people feel good, it makes me feel good. :) So get to it. Write, write write! We're somehow gonna get the whole band in on it.
In other news, my stomach don't like me no more.