Watched some home movies. From when I was little and from not too long ago. I was so cute when I was little. I'm gonna cliche and say "What happened?" but seriously I was a really really cute little girl and I wonder what did happen. Oh well at least I don't have that giant space in my teeth like I used to.
Then I watched some a couple years ago, when I was in about 6-7 grade. Those were my gym golden days. I'm prolly gonnna tire you talking about this but I can't help thinking about how cool gymnastics was. You could SEE my muscles. You could visually see them. And I was so bendy, especially my back (which might help to explain why it broke lol). I had such good balance on the beam, and I can't get over my swing of the bars. I was a graceful dancer on the floor, some of you should see them sometime. I get so worked up whenever I rememeber it.
The last things I got before I had to quit were a giant on bars and a backhandspring (backflip) on beam. I was very proud of finally getting both of those. I could do a half on half off on vault and my favorite thing to always do on floor was a front ariel. If I stayed I was about to be in level seven, where we got to pick our own music and make up our own routines.
It was about to get much harder and much scarier, though. I think I might've quit soon anyway because I just didn't take well to all the fear involved. It's very hard to let go of the bars for a dismount when you know very well that if you do it one inch wrong you can smack yourself in the face. Or that if your feet don't land exatly perfect on the four inch beam after the backflip that you might split the beam (a painful experiance, I've done it before). It's very very scary, and I don't suppose anyone would understand unless it happened to them. Maybe this whole post is for gymnasts only anyway. Oh well, like I said, this is mainly for me.
My life has changed drastically since then. I've found many wonderful friends (the annual birthday sleepover of seventh grade only had two friends and eigth grade had a group of completely different people) and devoted my life to God, music, academic studies, and fun. Yes thats the order too. At least I like to think so.
Ya know sometimes I wish I was a freshman again. I didn't know anybody, so everybody was my friend. Especially the band people. No one was talking about other people, I didn't have to worry about who liked my because no one knew me. And I was so sweet and innocent. Don't correct me on this, brain, I may have not been sweet, but I was sure innocent. It just seemed like I didn't worry so dang much. I prolly did though. I look back on things and label them as "good" or "bad" and my freshman year was "good." There's more pressure now, really. People expect more of you, and you expect more of yourself. It was the magical year when everything was new, and I loved that. So freshman, enjoy this while you have it. Because it won't be like this...ever again.
Maybe just my freshman year individually was the start of all things new. It was, in a sense. I met all my current friends, I made allstate for the first time, I got a crash course in love life (hehe), I had my first of "pretty dang hard" classes, and I was exposed to marching band for the first time. All this in one year, and it was all great fun. I really didn't care so much about stupid things that I care about now. Because I didn't have to. "With great power comes great responsibility" theres a nice quote from Spiderman.
And what now? Fretting about physics projects, practicing like mad to learn everything I need to know for competitions and auditions, and worrying about who likes me and who doesn't. Relax, Ashley. It's all gonna be okay. You'll see.
Holy crope that was even longer.
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Jeez louise no ones home and/or no one wants to do anything. Like I really tried though. I hate the phone so much that I don't call people to see if theyre doing anything and I just assume that if theyre not online that theyre not available. And most of the time its true.
Ugh. To make matters worse, my parents are here with my grandparents having yet another wonderful football party. And every time I walk in they make another degrading comment about how I hate football. The best part is that the TV is being used so I can't catch a movie. What a good night this is.
I'm not feelin the love.
Maybe I'll go pluck my eyebrows or make a giant rubber band ball or jump up and down until I hurt myself.
Ugh. To make matters worse, my parents are here with my grandparents having yet another wonderful football party. And every time I walk in they make another degrading comment about how I hate football. The best part is that the TV is being used so I can't catch a movie. What a good night this is.
I'm not feelin the love.
Maybe I'll go pluck my eyebrows or make a giant rubber band ball or jump up and down until I hurt myself.
The tears I might have shed for your dark fate
Grow cold,
and turn to tears of HATE
then, minutes later
Pitiful creature of darkness
What kind of life have you known?
God give me courage to show you
You are not alone
-Phantom of the Opera
Yup. Christmatized the house, went shoppin, researched physics articles, ate and now practice. I'm so cool. Call me if ya want to maybe I can get a video with someone or somethin. Erin where are you?
Grow cold,
and turn to tears of HATE
then, minutes later
Pitiful creature of darkness
What kind of life have you known?
God give me courage to show you
You are not alone
-Phantom of the Opera
Yup. Christmatized the house, went shoppin, researched physics articles, ate and now practice. I'm so cool. Call me if ya want to maybe I can get a video with someone or somethin. Erin where are you?
Friday, November 28, 2003
Today (well yesterday at this hour) was a very very very very very very very good day. And I'm not gonna tell you what I did because I'm kind and loving hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. It was an "OH YEAH!!!!" kind of day.
Do you hear that? I'm kind and loving. Never mean. Only kind and loving. No matter what happens. No matter how much I want to hate. I'm kind and loving. No matter what. No matter how much I want to stomp on the feet or break the back or tear the eyes or burn the flesh. Only kindness and love here. Because that's my role. The kind and loving one. Even if I want to destroy someone from the inside out. Or...okay, my mind is getting to be too much right now. I'm kind and loving. And that's that.
(I'm sorry for that)
Do you hear that? I'm kind and loving. Never mean. Only kind and loving. No matter what happens. No matter how much I want to hate. I'm kind and loving. No matter what. No matter how much I want to stomp on the feet or break the back or tear the eyes or burn the flesh. Only kindness and love here. Because that's my role. The kind and loving one. Even if I want to destroy someone from the inside out. Or...okay, my mind is getting to be too much right now. I'm kind and loving. And that's that.
(I'm sorry for that)
Thursday, November 27, 2003
So I was practicing today and I was playing this one etude. Whenever I work on etudes I play through them one last time at the end and if I get any notes wrong I go back and play it again until I get all the notes. I was playing the run through of it and I missed the last note. It's a pretty long etude and I thought in my mind "Good job, B. You ruined it for all of us." And an image came into my mind of elementary and middle school days when one person in a class would act up and the teacher would punish the whole class and say "You ruined it for all of us." I'm so dumb.
Dude DDR was a smash hit with the family. Everyone in the second and third generation played it at least once and most of them loved it. lol They thought me and Craig were really good. A great Thanksgiving. Gotta love it.
Do you think when we get older and we tell our kids that we said stuff like "Owned," "Shizzle my mnizzle," and "Your mom" that they'll laugh at us?
I'll try to go online tomorrow when I wake up, prehz.
::Happy and stuff::
Dude DDR was a smash hit with the family. Everyone in the second and third generation played it at least once and most of them loved it. lol They thought me and Craig were really good. A great Thanksgiving. Gotta love it.
Do you think when we get older and we tell our kids that we said stuff like "Owned," "Shizzle my mnizzle," and "Your mom" that they'll laugh at us?
I'll try to go online tomorrow when I wake up, prehz.
::Happy and stuff::
Answering three group questions
Sprayberry: "Can you explain why you got those answers?"
short pause
Me: "The forces-"
Sprayberry: "I guess they must not know" (crosses answers off the board)
Me: "But I was just about to-"
Sprayberry: "Next group!"
Me: ""
As much as I don't like this kind of...I don't even know what it is...disrespect? (though that doesn't sound right), I find it very very funny. Amuse yourself when you can, I say.
Man some mad ddr last night. I can't wait till Christmas break when I can play it all day and all night. Along with practicing of course. Dude that reminds me of the pactice schedule we had to turn in a while ago. Most days I put practice from 12:00 AM-11:59 PM. Hahaha. I think on Friday I put only until 6:00 PM so I could go out. lol I'm so dumb.
Soooo, yeah. Thanksgiving and stuff. I'm thankful for my parents and my family. Among other things. I remember one time when I was younger, me and and my bro and my cousin were saying grace before a meal and we tried to list everything that we were thankful for. Everything. And we ended up saying things like "My knuckles...this dad's beer..." and it was funny. Oh the innocence of the old days.
Katie is taller than me! What a disgrace.
I really need to do my physics project. It's gonna suck.
Does anyone actually read this? Does anyone actually care about the stupid little things I write about my life in here? Well I guess it doesn't matter. It's mostly for myself anyway.
Va voir dehors si j'y suis.
Go jump in a lake.
Sprayberry: "Can you explain why you got those answers?"
short pause
Me: "The forces-"
Sprayberry: "I guess they must not know" (crosses answers off the board)
Me: "But I was just about to-"
Sprayberry: "Next group!"
Me: ""
As much as I don't like this kind of...I don't even know what it is...disrespect? (though that doesn't sound right), I find it very very funny. Amuse yourself when you can, I say.
Man some mad ddr last night. I can't wait till Christmas break when I can play it all day and all night. Along with practicing of course. Dude that reminds me of the pactice schedule we had to turn in a while ago. Most days I put practice from 12:00 AM-11:59 PM. Hahaha. I think on Friday I put only until 6:00 PM so I could go out. lol I'm so dumb.
Soooo, yeah. Thanksgiving and stuff. I'm thankful for my parents and my family. Among other things. I remember one time when I was younger, me and and my bro and my cousin were saying grace before a meal and we tried to list everything that we were thankful for. Everything. And we ended up saying things like "My knuckles...this dad's beer..." and it was funny. Oh the innocence of the old days.
Katie is taller than me! What a disgrace.
I really need to do my physics project. It's gonna suck.
Does anyone actually read this? Does anyone actually care about the stupid little things I write about my life in here? Well I guess it doesn't matter. It's mostly for myself anyway.
Va voir dehors si j'y suis.
Go jump in a lake.
Monday, November 24, 2003
I got a 68 on my latest physics test. And he didn't give me or Steven a curve because our presentation was "just plain bad." Thank you, Sprayberry, for ruining my potentially good day and my GPA. ::mumble grumble malice:: But thats not all. Oh no. Lets see. Nobody in my class got an A. Even if they DID get a curve. In fact, only one person total out of both the classes got an A. (I might just be making this up) Tell me thats not crazy? I mean, come on. I studied for this. And I studied hard. And I'm sure everyone else did too. It was plainly too hard of a test.
Last time I did this bad (and the two scores are very close) there was a 30 point curve. No such luck this time. I cant believe him. What a jork.
I prolly sound just like any other stupid girl right now, complaining about the teacher and trying to put the blame of bad grade on someone else. But I am mad about that grade.
In other news, my day was okay. I'm starting to sound pretty good on flute. I guess. I can almost play Muczynski 3 up to tempo. Without being obnoxious. Speed is my thing. I may not be the most musical, I may not be the most in tune or the have the best control or the best sound, but man I can play fast. At least I can rest assured about that.
Today at lunch a bird attacked our table and pooped on everyone. Good job, bird. Now we know about the birds and the bees. (Har har!!!)
Sooo....yeah. I'll get back to ya when I have something interesting to say.
I got a 68 on my latest physics test. And he didn't give me or Steven a curve because our presentation was "just plain bad." Thank you, Sprayberry, for ruining my potentially good day and my GPA. ::mumble grumble malice:: But thats not all. Oh no. Lets see. Nobody in my class got an A. Even if they DID get a curve. In fact, only one person total out of both the classes got an A. (I might just be making this up) Tell me thats not crazy? I mean, come on. I studied for this. And I studied hard. And I'm sure everyone else did too. It was plainly too hard of a test.
Last time I did this bad (and the two scores are very close) there was a 30 point curve. No such luck this time. I cant believe him. What a jork.
I prolly sound just like any other stupid girl right now, complaining about the teacher and trying to put the blame of bad grade on someone else. But I am mad about that grade.
In other news, my day was okay. I'm starting to sound pretty good on flute. I guess. I can almost play Muczynski 3 up to tempo. Without being obnoxious. Speed is my thing. I may not be the most musical, I may not be the most in tune or the have the best control or the best sound, but man I can play fast. At least I can rest assured about that.
Today at lunch a bird attacked our table and pooped on everyone. Good job, bird. Now we know about the birds and the bees. (Har har!!!)
Sooo....yeah. I'll get back to ya when I have something interesting to say.
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Cool! From Katies site:
10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately:
1) The Chieftains
2) THS Concert band
3) Simon and Garfunkel (is that considered a band?)
4) Vanessa Carleton (I know shes not a band but youll just have to live with it)
5) Smash Mouth
6) Bond
7) The Berlin Philharmonic
8) The crazy bands on 98.1
9) Other radio bands, especially on 105.1
10) songs stuck in my head
09 things you look forward to:
1) Craig coming home and DDR
2) Off next week
3) Getting allcounty music
4) third block (full orch days)
5) fourth block
6) not sucking on flute
7) being cool (if it ever happens)
8) ummm...getting mail
9) I know I know Im very nearsighted
8 things you like to wear:
1) clothes
2) I think that sums it all up
3) oh no I like to wear jewelry too
5) giant ugly sunglasses
6) trees growing out of my head
7) powerpuff girls pins
8) my monster slippers. So comfy.
07 things that annoy you:
1) Stupid people and jorks
2) When I dont make allstate
3) When they dont pay attention to the girls bathroom in the band hallway. arg.
4) when people talk to me when Im trying to do my work. Or practice.
5) when people randomly hate me
6) when people dont think before they say things and then they kick themselves for saying the wrong thing. This also applies to me.
7) When bad things happen and theres nothing you can do about it
//06 things you say most days:
1) [insert name here]'s dumb
2) I'm dumb
3) YAY!!
4) COOL!!!
5) who are you talking about?
6) whats going on?
7) ::bursts out laughing::
05 things you do everyday:
1) breathe
2) wish I didnt have to get out of bed
3) pray
4) brush my hair
5) think up something stupid to say
04 people you want to spend more time with:
1) my friends, the norm. Never can get quite anough time with them.
2) my mommy even though I never show it
3) myself
4) Josh and Asher (ya they come in a pair)
And more
03 movies you could watch over and over again:
1) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship
2) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
3) Moulin Rouge
4) The Pirates of the Carribbean
5) The Lion King
Oh well there was only supposed to be three but these are my favo movie ever.
02 of your favorite songs at the moment:
1) "Ordinary Day" Vanessa Carleton
2) "Peer Gynt Suite no 1" Grieg
Those are just two at the moment.
01 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1) Elijah Wood. Haha just kidding. I suppose I should say myself or something. Whatever.
10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately:
1) The Chieftains
2) THS Concert band
3) Simon and Garfunkel (is that considered a band?)
4) Vanessa Carleton (I know shes not a band but youll just have to live with it)
5) Smash Mouth
6) Bond
7) The Berlin Philharmonic
8) The crazy bands on 98.1
9) Other radio bands, especially on 105.1
10) songs stuck in my head
09 things you look forward to:
1) Craig coming home and DDR
2) Off next week
3) Getting allcounty music
4) third block (full orch days)
5) fourth block
6) not sucking on flute
7) being cool (if it ever happens)
8) ummm...getting mail
9) I know I know Im very nearsighted
8 things you like to wear:
1) clothes
2) I think that sums it all up
3) oh no I like to wear jewelry too
5) giant ugly sunglasses
6) trees growing out of my head
7) powerpuff girls pins
8) my monster slippers. So comfy.
07 things that annoy you:
1) Stupid people and jorks
2) When I dont make allstate
3) When they dont pay attention to the girls bathroom in the band hallway. arg.
4) when people talk to me when Im trying to do my work. Or practice.
5) when people randomly hate me
6) when people dont think before they say things and then they kick themselves for saying the wrong thing. This also applies to me.
7) When bad things happen and theres nothing you can do about it
//06 things you say most days:
1) [insert name here]'s dumb
2) I'm dumb
3) YAY!!
4) COOL!!!
5) who are you talking about?
6) whats going on?
7) ::bursts out laughing::
05 things you do everyday:
1) breathe
2) wish I didnt have to get out of bed
3) pray
4) brush my hair
5) think up something stupid to say
04 people you want to spend more time with:
1) my friends, the norm. Never can get quite anough time with them.
2) my mommy even though I never show it
3) myself
4) Josh and Asher (ya they come in a pair)
And more
03 movies you could watch over and over again:
1) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship
2) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
3) Moulin Rouge
4) The Pirates of the Carribbean
5) The Lion King
Oh well there was only supposed to be three but these are my favo movie ever.
02 of your favorite songs at the moment:
1) "Ordinary Day" Vanessa Carleton
2) "Peer Gynt Suite no 1" Grieg
Those are just two at the moment.
01 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1) Elijah Wood. Haha just kidding. I suppose I should say myself or something. Whatever.
He keeps proving me right...I wonder if I'll ever get over of this....
I was thinking about making a list of guys I know who aren't jerks (jorks) (I think there are more jerks than non jerks out there) but I think it would cause more trouble than its worth. So I'm not gonna. I'm only gonna say that if you are a jork, then you suck. And Josh you aren't a jork.
I was thinking about making a list of guys I know who aren't jerks (jorks) (I think there are more jerks than non jerks out there) but I think it would cause more trouble than its worth. So I'm not gonna. I'm only gonna say that if you are a jork, then you suck. And Josh you aren't a jork.
Friday, November 21, 2003
Well, not much going on right now. Livin my life as best as I can. That sounds like a song title. Or maybe just As Best as I Can. Or maybe The Best I Can. Anyway, I owned the calculus test once again. Full points. Why does the stupidest subject, math, come easy to me? I don't like math. It's not creative or expressive. There's nothing to it. Just follow the rules. I hope I did okay on the physics test, though I know I missed a few for sure. How the heck were we supposed to know the speed of radio waves? And the shadows confused me.
Mr Sprayberry, my physics teacher, has some weird grudge against me. Yes, I ask a lot of questions, but you would think a teacher would like that. It means I want to learn. I just noticed it now, maybe he just realized he hates me. But every time I say something, he either snaps at me in reply or shakes his head in disgust as if I just said a swear word. Its actually kinda funny. I have a tendancy to laugh at people who are blatantly (sp) mean to me. But I don't know what his problem is with me. I never did anything to him. In fact, I had liked him (sorry guys but its true) until he started pulling all this crope. Oh well. The class ends soon.
Last night was the Jackson spaghetti dinner. It just brought back memories of how stupid and idiotic and immature middle schoolers act and it makes me soo glad I'm in high school now. Looking back I realize how ignorant I was back then. I thought I was hot stuff, just like some middle schoolers think now. But experience is half the battle, and I dont know if its possible for even the best middle school player to equal a quality high school player.
Every year I think I'm good and then I'll look back and realize how much I had to learn and how much I've grown. Each year makes a tremendous difference. A tremendous difference. Next year I'm going to look back and realize how bad I was this year. It's all relative.
In other news, I'm going to a concert tonight at Stetson. Should be some good clean fun.
Signing off.
Mr Sprayberry, my physics teacher, has some weird grudge against me. Yes, I ask a lot of questions, but you would think a teacher would like that. It means I want to learn. I just noticed it now, maybe he just realized he hates me. But every time I say something, he either snaps at me in reply or shakes his head in disgust as if I just said a swear word. Its actually kinda funny. I have a tendancy to laugh at people who are blatantly (sp) mean to me. But I don't know what his problem is with me. I never did anything to him. In fact, I had liked him (sorry guys but its true) until he started pulling all this crope. Oh well. The class ends soon.
Last night was the Jackson spaghetti dinner. It just brought back memories of how stupid and idiotic and immature middle schoolers act and it makes me soo glad I'm in high school now. Looking back I realize how ignorant I was back then. I thought I was hot stuff, just like some middle schoolers think now. But experience is half the battle, and I dont know if its possible for even the best middle school player to equal a quality high school player.
Every year I think I'm good and then I'll look back and realize how much I had to learn and how much I've grown. Each year makes a tremendous difference. A tremendous difference. Next year I'm going to look back and realize how bad I was this year. It's all relative.
In other news, I'm going to a concert tonight at Stetson. Should be some good clean fun.
Signing off.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Monday, November 17, 2003
Yup. I'm here.
Do you ever think about the people who used to be so prominent in your life but you've practically forgotten about now? I do. Especially when I ride around PSJ, because most of the important people in my younger days lived right here. I keep pictures on my mirror of people who used to be very dear to me and I don't want to forget. Included are my best friends from Elementary and Middle School, Chris G and Crystal K. Haven't talked to either of them for years. Last I heard, Chris went off to homeschool, and Crystal switched to her church's school in eigth grade. Oh the memories I had with them. Chris was supposidly my "first boyfriend" lol we were so dumb back then. Another picture is of my best friend from New York, Alyssa C. She lived about three houses down and I walked to her house and we played just about every day. We would've been very very best friends had I stayed there. But I haven't heard form her since I last visited there. Another picture is of my best friend from gymnastics, Shannon M. Haven't talked to her for about a year, though I make a point to visit the gym (maybe for reminiscience) every so often. Man those were the days. I was so fit, I could do anything. I have pictures of me at competitions, and videos, and its hard to believe that they are of me. I'm like a whole different person now. And the whole gym was friends, we all knew each other. It was like a second life. A second family. I remember many a birthday party I had or would go to and people would invite "school friends" and "gym friends." Rarely they met besides then. The last picture I have is of Eric from Cannon. I can't forget him. What a wonderful lad he was. Someday we'll meet in the future, whether it's at college (we're both planning on music at FSU) or another time.
I wonder about other people too. Mrs. Aymond, my old flute teacher. I loved her so much. What happened to her? Does she still teach? What happened to her back? Though I do commend her much as a person, I do not regret switching teachers to Mrs. Clew. Not by a long shot. Yes, she was a wonderful person, but man she did not know what she was talking about when it came to flute. How could she? She never got the training. I'm still trying to crawl out of the hole of bad flute technique that she taught me. ("Tighten your embuosure. Maybe that will help.")
Those are just a few of examples of people I think about. Just a small slice of my past. Often I think of calling these people, finding out what theyre doing now. But I wonder: do they still live there? Would they remember me if I called? How would they react? Why do I hate the phone so much? And so I might never find out. Oh well. Such is life.
And so I'm left with pictures to remember, sometimes not even that. Sometimes just plain bare memory that will soon slip away. And so I wonder: will I remember all of you? Will I keep in touch and find out how things are going? Will I care? Will you remember me if I call? What relationships will develop in the future with the people I now love more than anything? Will we still be friends in five years? I know that it is so easy to lose touch. I make friends in classes every year, and we lose touch as soon as the class ends. Not even a wave in the hallway or a friendly "hi" when we pass. How does that happen, and why?
Can only a certain amount of people be in your life at one time? Can you only handle a certain amount of friendship and then youre overloaded? I know it seems sensible to say yes. Certainly, you only have valuable little time and you have to choose carefully who you spend it with. Sometimes the choice is made for you, sometimes its not. But I tend to think differently. You can be friends with someone even if you don't spend time with them. As the cliche goes (though its usually used for a different reason), its the thought that counts. And its true. I want to be friends with the world.
So what I'm really trying to say is use your time wisely and make sure you appreciate the people you now love, because someday (even though you may say it will never be so) they might not be there in your life anymore. Thats the reason I'm such a picture freak. I'm afraid of forgetting people, afraid of forgetting events. I want to remember. Remember everything.
Holy crope that was long. But pleasing.
Do you ever think about the people who used to be so prominent in your life but you've practically forgotten about now? I do. Especially when I ride around PSJ, because most of the important people in my younger days lived right here. I keep pictures on my mirror of people who used to be very dear to me and I don't want to forget. Included are my best friends from Elementary and Middle School, Chris G and Crystal K. Haven't talked to either of them for years. Last I heard, Chris went off to homeschool, and Crystal switched to her church's school in eigth grade. Oh the memories I had with them. Chris was supposidly my "first boyfriend" lol we were so dumb back then. Another picture is of my best friend from New York, Alyssa C. She lived about three houses down and I walked to her house and we played just about every day. We would've been very very best friends had I stayed there. But I haven't heard form her since I last visited there. Another picture is of my best friend from gymnastics, Shannon M. Haven't talked to her for about a year, though I make a point to visit the gym (maybe for reminiscience) every so often. Man those were the days. I was so fit, I could do anything. I have pictures of me at competitions, and videos, and its hard to believe that they are of me. I'm like a whole different person now. And the whole gym was friends, we all knew each other. It was like a second life. A second family. I remember many a birthday party I had or would go to and people would invite "school friends" and "gym friends." Rarely they met besides then. The last picture I have is of Eric from Cannon. I can't forget him. What a wonderful lad he was. Someday we'll meet in the future, whether it's at college (we're both planning on music at FSU) or another time.
I wonder about other people too. Mrs. Aymond, my old flute teacher. I loved her so much. What happened to her? Does she still teach? What happened to her back? Though I do commend her much as a person, I do not regret switching teachers to Mrs. Clew. Not by a long shot. Yes, she was a wonderful person, but man she did not know what she was talking about when it came to flute. How could she? She never got the training. I'm still trying to crawl out of the hole of bad flute technique that she taught me. ("Tighten your embuosure. Maybe that will help.")
Those are just a few of examples of people I think about. Just a small slice of my past. Often I think of calling these people, finding out what theyre doing now. But I wonder: do they still live there? Would they remember me if I called? How would they react? Why do I hate the phone so much? And so I might never find out. Oh well. Such is life.
And so I'm left with pictures to remember, sometimes not even that. Sometimes just plain bare memory that will soon slip away. And so I wonder: will I remember all of you? Will I keep in touch and find out how things are going? Will I care? Will you remember me if I call? What relationships will develop in the future with the people I now love more than anything? Will we still be friends in five years? I know that it is so easy to lose touch. I make friends in classes every year, and we lose touch as soon as the class ends. Not even a wave in the hallway or a friendly "hi" when we pass. How does that happen, and why?
Can only a certain amount of people be in your life at one time? Can you only handle a certain amount of friendship and then youre overloaded? I know it seems sensible to say yes. Certainly, you only have valuable little time and you have to choose carefully who you spend it with. Sometimes the choice is made for you, sometimes its not. But I tend to think differently. You can be friends with someone even if you don't spend time with them. As the cliche goes (though its usually used for a different reason), its the thought that counts. And its true. I want to be friends with the world.
So what I'm really trying to say is use your time wisely and make sure you appreciate the people you now love, because someday (even though you may say it will never be so) they might not be there in your life anymore. Thats the reason I'm such a picture freak. I'm afraid of forgetting people, afraid of forgetting events. I want to remember. Remember everything.
Holy crope that was long. But pleasing.
Sunday, November 16, 2003
I read this today when I was reading stuff to avoid doing my homework, and I think it's pretty funny:
Midnight Oil
Cut if you will, with Sleep's dull knife
Each day to half its length, my friend-
The years that Time takes off my life,
He'll take from off the other end!
-Edna St. Vincent Millay
Now I really need to do some homework. Really this time.
Midnight Oil
Cut if you will, with Sleep's dull knife
Each day to half its length, my friend-
The years that Time takes off my life,
He'll take from off the other end!
-Edna St. Vincent Millay
Now I really need to do some homework. Really this time.
Saturday, November 15, 2003
I made all-county. Second chair. If anyone cares. Besides me.
And I said I was happy most of the time, I'm not lying!
Yeah I got a whole bunch of new CDs and since I'm a maniac I'll list them all:
-Bond (1st)
-Mozart flute Concerto in G, Concerto for flute and harp, and Clarinet Concerto (Emmanuel PAHUD!)
-Vanessa Carlton
-Grieg (Peer Gynt, Holberg Suite)
-Sibelius (Finlandia, Tapiola, Valse Triste, more)
-Charlotte Church, best of (madatory for discount)
-Elgar cello concerto and Sea Pictures (Jacqueline du Pre)
-I ordered Norah Jones but I mustve put the number in wrong so I got Glenn Miller. Norah Jones vs. Glenn Miller? Norah Jones all the way?
New CDs make me very very very happy. As well as new pictures, new magazines, and letters.
Tonight I'm going to sit at home!! Yay! And maybe sleep! Yay!
And I said I was happy most of the time, I'm not lying!
Yeah I got a whole bunch of new CDs and since I'm a maniac I'll list them all:
-Bond (1st)
-Mozart flute Concerto in G, Concerto for flute and harp, and Clarinet Concerto (Emmanuel PAHUD!)
-Vanessa Carlton
-Grieg (Peer Gynt, Holberg Suite)
-Sibelius (Finlandia, Tapiola, Valse Triste, more)
-Charlotte Church, best of (madatory for discount)
-Elgar cello concerto and Sea Pictures (Jacqueline du Pre)
-I ordered Norah Jones but I mustve put the number in wrong so I got Glenn Miller. Norah Jones vs. Glenn Miller? Norah Jones all the way?
New CDs make me very very very happy. As well as new pictures, new magazines, and letters.
Tonight I'm going to sit at home!! Yay! And maybe sleep! Yay!
Friday, November 14, 2003
Oh man I just wrote a big long post and then accidentaly deleted it. I'll try to write it again as best as I can. But not delete it this time.
Things have been going okay for the most part. I'm happy most of the time. I guess.
Sometimes I get really sad and I don't know why. Actually thats a lie, I usually do know why. What I don't know is why I let things get to me so much. I mean, it's not my whole life. For example, today I got really sad when Alyssa made all-state. I was very happy for her, of course, I'm always happy for my friends when they do well, but I was still very sad for myself. And I kept asking myself "Why are you so sad about this?" and I realized I didn't know why. Maybe it has to do with the fact that playing the flute is basically my whole life. It's the only thing I have a real true passion for and just about the only useful and skilled thing I really love to do. When I fail, of course it's gonna hurt me. But why don't good things bring me up? I tell myself stuff like "You just owned the Calculus test" or "Your friends love you" but it doesn't help. People, I've discovered, are the only way to make me feel better. People are the key to happiness.
It's not just flute though. I get sad about other things. Sometimes things that I prolly shouldn't be sad about. Maybe I'm only normal for having feelings. But feelings hurt sometimes. Sometimes it seems like the only feelings we are allowed to have are good ones. When they are bad, it's like invading your space. Like "why are you here? Go away!" like they are invaders. But the thing is, bad feelings are not invaders in your life. They are a part of your life. A necessary part. Theres so much bad that could happen in this sheltered little world of ours, and I'm afraid of what will happen in the not-sheltered world. Yes, we need the bad along with the good or else we would all go crazy come the real world.
I've noticed that I use things until they cannot be used anymore. For a small example, my backpack. I used it for nine years until it could be used no more. I take things to the limit. Usually when I'm thinking about joining a club, I decide in the beginning whether I'm gonna be in it for the long run or not. And I usually don't join if I'm not gonna see it through. Because winners never quit. And stuff.
Another thing I've noticed is that I tend to aviod things that I don't want to deal with. Problems. Just avoid them and hope they go away. Don't like that I email I just recieved and don't like the looks of? Ignore it. Don't want to deal with that person at the moment? Avoid being by em. Don't want to deal with that tough Calc problem? Skip it altogether. And avoiding things doesn't make them any better usually. I need to learn how to be a problem solver instead of a problem avoider.
Tonight was really fun. I went to see the new Russel Crowe movie with Katie, Rebecca, Erin, and Will. It was great fun except when Katie and Erin talk throughout the whole movie and make the scary guy next to me mad.
"You can irrigate my retained water"
A lot of funny stuff was said and I told myself to remember it so I could write it all in here but I forgot it all. Oh well.
Things have been going okay for the most part. I'm happy most of the time. I guess.
Sometimes I get really sad and I don't know why. Actually thats a lie, I usually do know why. What I don't know is why I let things get to me so much. I mean, it's not my whole life. For example, today I got really sad when Alyssa made all-state. I was very happy for her, of course, I'm always happy for my friends when they do well, but I was still very sad for myself. And I kept asking myself "Why are you so sad about this?" and I realized I didn't know why. Maybe it has to do with the fact that playing the flute is basically my whole life. It's the only thing I have a real true passion for and just about the only useful and skilled thing I really love to do. When I fail, of course it's gonna hurt me. But why don't good things bring me up? I tell myself stuff like "You just owned the Calculus test" or "Your friends love you" but it doesn't help. People, I've discovered, are the only way to make me feel better. People are the key to happiness.
It's not just flute though. I get sad about other things. Sometimes things that I prolly shouldn't be sad about. Maybe I'm only normal for having feelings. But feelings hurt sometimes. Sometimes it seems like the only feelings we are allowed to have are good ones. When they are bad, it's like invading your space. Like "why are you here? Go away!" like they are invaders. But the thing is, bad feelings are not invaders in your life. They are a part of your life. A necessary part. Theres so much bad that could happen in this sheltered little world of ours, and I'm afraid of what will happen in the not-sheltered world. Yes, we need the bad along with the good or else we would all go crazy come the real world.
I've noticed that I use things until they cannot be used anymore. For a small example, my backpack. I used it for nine years until it could be used no more. I take things to the limit. Usually when I'm thinking about joining a club, I decide in the beginning whether I'm gonna be in it for the long run or not. And I usually don't join if I'm not gonna see it through. Because winners never quit. And stuff.
Another thing I've noticed is that I tend to aviod things that I don't want to deal with. Problems. Just avoid them and hope they go away. Don't like that I email I just recieved and don't like the looks of? Ignore it. Don't want to deal with that person at the moment? Avoid being by em. Don't want to deal with that tough Calc problem? Skip it altogether. And avoiding things doesn't make them any better usually. I need to learn how to be a problem solver instead of a problem avoider.
Tonight was really fun. I went to see the new Russel Crowe movie with Katie, Rebecca, Erin, and Will. It was great fun except when Katie and Erin talk throughout the whole movie and make the scary guy next to me mad.
"You can irrigate my retained water"
A lot of funny stuff was said and I told myself to remember it so I could write it all in here but I forgot it all. Oh well.
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Monday, November 10, 2003
Time for Over-Safe public service announcement.
When I was riding my bike, a stupid person yelled to me "nice helmet." (I gave em a thumbs up). So I wear a bright pink helemt. It's the only one I have. So what. Helemts are like seat belts. They save lives, and it's just plain stupid not to use them. Wear your helmets, kids. Especially if you are under 16. Cuz then its the law....and stuff.
When I was riding my bike, a stupid person yelled to me "nice helmet." (I gave em a thumbs up). So I wear a bright pink helemt. It's the only one I have. So what. Helemts are like seat belts. They save lives, and it's just plain stupid not to use them. Wear your helmets, kids. Especially if you are under 16. Cuz then its the law....and stuff.
I'm a sucker for massages, I'll never say no to a massage....mmm....brings back memories of Cannon....
N/E wayz, like what R U guyz doin 2morrow? I'm just chillin' w/the gals. Maybe go to the allcounty thing. I dunno. I got an ortho app at 2:00. Whatevah.
Oh man I'm a bad ghetto writer. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period. Especially as far as music goes. For example at homecoming. Yes, pop/rap/hip-hop/whatever stuff has a good beat you can dance to, but did the DJ really have to play that the WHOLE TIME? I mean, come on, I usually dont even listen to that stuff. Actually it's just about the only thing I don't listen to. That's prolly a lie.
What to do tonight? That is the question.
More Things I have trouble doing
Saying no
Making tough or not so tough decisions
Sounding sensible
Staying mad at people
Walking without my toes cracking
Not laughing when I hit trouble (Its my defense mechanism)
Drinking the daily recommended amount of water per day (Eight glasses is a crazy amount if you ask me)
N/E wayz, like what R U guyz doin 2morrow? I'm just chillin' w/the gals. Maybe go to the allcounty thing. I dunno. I got an ortho app at 2:00. Whatevah.
Oh man I'm a bad ghetto writer. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period. Especially as far as music goes. For example at homecoming. Yes, pop/rap/hip-hop/whatever stuff has a good beat you can dance to, but did the DJ really have to play that the WHOLE TIME? I mean, come on, I usually dont even listen to that stuff. Actually it's just about the only thing I don't listen to. That's prolly a lie.
What to do tonight? That is the question.
More Things I have trouble doing
Saying no
Making tough or not so tough decisions
Sounding sensible
Staying mad at people
Walking without my toes cracking
Not laughing when I hit trouble (Its my defense mechanism)
Drinking the daily recommended amount of water per day (Eight glasses is a crazy amount if you ask me)
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Physics book, page 335:
"Some light sources are specified in candela, cd, or candle power. A candela is not a measure of luminous flux, but of luminous intensity. The luminous intensity of a point source is the luminous flux that falls on one square meter of a sphere one meter in radius. Thus luminous intensity is luminous flux divided by 4(pi). A bulb with 1750 lm flux has an intensity (1750 lm)/4(pi) = 139 cd. A flashlight bulb labeled 1.5 cd emits a flux of 4(pi) (1.5 cd) = 19 lm."
"Some light sources are specified in candela, cd, or candle power. A candela is not a measure of luminous flux, but of luminous intensity. The luminous intensity of a point source is the luminous flux that falls on one square meter of a sphere one meter in radius. Thus luminous intensity is luminous flux divided by 4(pi). A bulb with 1750 lm flux has an intensity (1750 lm)/4(pi) = 139 cd. A flashlight bulb labeled 1.5 cd emits a flux of 4(pi) (1.5 cd) = 19 lm."
Saturday, November 08, 2003
All good things come to an end. The people you love eventually leave. Life changes. The thing to remember is not to take things for granted. If you do, you'll be sad when things leave. But if you don't tak things for granted, you'll just be happy that you once had them.
Sometimes I feel so hopeless. But I gotta have faith. You always gotta have faith.
Sometimes I feel so hopeless. But I gotta have faith. You always gotta have faith.
Tuesday, November 04, 2003

You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well shoot:

Cb major - life is full of complecations,
commitments and organisation. You love to make
sure everything is just perfect, but sometimes
this can cause you to fall over your own feet.
A slightly unsociable key: why Cb major when
you could be the identical Bmajor? It has less
what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Cb major - life is full of complecations,
commitments and organisation. You love to make
sure everything is just perfect, but sometimes
this can cause you to fall over your own feet.
A slightly unsociable key: why Cb major when
you could be the identical Bmajor? It has less
what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I was GONNA write out the flute part in Saint-Saens Organ Symphony finale, but it turns out that Printmusic is no longer on my computer, for some unknown reason. Guess I'm gonna have to suck on it until I find a means to write it out on. Crazy part. Why couldnt they just put it on two different pieces of paper. Im serious though. Its totally illegible. Too many leger lines. Hey heres an idea. Ill go practice it. Good idea ashley.
LOL Yesterday when my mom found out that I didnt make allstate she told me if she was me she would become an alcoholic. I was like "For not making allstate?!? Gimme a break!" and she was like "For everything youve gone through this past week" and I laughed at her.
LOL Yesterday when my mom found out that I didnt make allstate she told me if she was me she would become an alcoholic. I was like "For not making allstate?!? Gimme a break!" and she was like "For everything youve gone through this past week" and I laughed at her.
Monday, November 03, 2003
Congrats to Katie, Ben, Alex, Will, Asher, Rebecca, and Ellen! Great job guys!
And to Chris, my allstate soul buddy, I'm sorry man, but youre not the only one...
As for me, I'm not dissipointed (sp). I wanted to make allstate, yes, but I didnt and there's nothing to do to change it. It just didn't happen this year. I still have many other ways to prove myself and there's always next year... (well not always but this year there's a next year)
Good things that happened today
-Played the duet with Alyssa and sounded great
-Festival rehab and concert music
-New seating arrangement in 1st-sit by your friends for once!
-Another 10 quiz in calc
-Hang out in third, watching other marching bands and discussing the reasons we are better than anyone else. And making fun of other bands.
-Got 5 sentences done in the amount of time it usually takes to get one done in 4th. Dont ask me how that happened.
-Listened to my solo CDs on the way home. They so good (:
-Went to poem blog. Thanks you guys (: I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
-Have time to do stuff. No BYO or other time consuming crope
-Marching band is almost completely over!!!
Couldnt go to sleep last night till 12:30, giving me 5 and a half hours of sleep. Yay! Maybe eating those gummi worms and ice cream and drinking a can of caffine-blasted soda right before going to bed wasnt such a good idea...(yeah Im healthy)...
Tarpin Springs=marching madness!!
"I don't believe I said it was anarchy time"
-Mr. Sprayberry
And to Chris, my allstate soul buddy, I'm sorry man, but youre not the only one...
As for me, I'm not dissipointed (sp). I wanted to make allstate, yes, but I didnt and there's nothing to do to change it. It just didn't happen this year. I still have many other ways to prove myself and there's always next year... (well not always but this year there's a next year)
Good things that happened today
-Played the duet with Alyssa and sounded great
-Festival rehab and concert music
-New seating arrangement in 1st-sit by your friends for once!
-Another 10 quiz in calc
-Hang out in third, watching other marching bands and discussing the reasons we are better than anyone else. And making fun of other bands.
-Got 5 sentences done in the amount of time it usually takes to get one done in 4th. Dont ask me how that happened.
-Listened to my solo CDs on the way home. They so good (:
-Went to poem blog. Thanks you guys (: I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
-Have time to do stuff. No BYO or other time consuming crope
-Marching band is almost completely over!!!
Couldnt go to sleep last night till 12:30, giving me 5 and a half hours of sleep. Yay! Maybe eating those gummi worms and ice cream and drinking a can of caffine-blasted soda right before going to bed wasnt such a good idea...(yeah Im healthy)...
Tarpin Springs=marching madness!!
"I don't believe I said it was anarchy time"
-Mr. Sprayberry
Sunday, November 02, 2003
Oh yeah I need to post something today. Hmm. Well, for one thing, I'm doing fine, if anyone cares. I'm not sad anymore. Tomorrow is the big day, when we all find out about allstate. I'm so scared! I almost don't want to find out. It's so much easier to live by the past then to face the present. Meaning I've made allstate before and I want it to stay that way. But in the long run, who really cares if I make allstate or not. What a dumb question. I care. Thats all that matters.
I'm gonna go practice.
Concert music ahoy!!
Oh yeah and remind me to bring a camera tomorrow to see Schwindt without facial hair.
I'm gonna go practice.
Concert music ahoy!!
Oh yeah and remind me to bring a camera tomorrow to see Schwindt without facial hair.