Sunday, July 30, 2006

If there was one evil appliance in the world, it would be the toaster.

I've figured out a lot of appliances. I have conquered the microwave. I own the oven. I beat the stove every time. But the toaster. I just don't get it. It burns my toast on the lowest levels. It pops my toast out before it has been fully toasted, even on the highest levels. If I pop my toast out myself, decide that it isn't ready yet, and pop it back in again, then there's no knowing how long it's going to be in there for. Sometimes the toaster doesn't want to accept items. You try to push the button down, and the toaster refuses! It's like it wants to be lazy or something! Sometimes, smoke comes out of the toaster for no reason. Bagels get severely burnt in small, isolated sections while inside the toaster.

Toaster! Someday, I will understand you. Someday.

Friday, July 28, 2006

And dude, guys, I am totally owning the flute this summer. I'm spending a lot of time on technique. Especially double-tonguing (an hour a day keeps the...ummm...slow and awkward tongue away. okay that just sounds weird). I can't even begin to describe how excited I was when I discovered that I could play the second Peter and the Wolf excerpt at the tempo. It's the best when you can see your own progress. Well, hear your own progress, in this case. But I am doing something with my life! I am working hard, and I am reaping what I sow! And it's not only the flute, it's everything! I am having a useful and fun summer! It all fell into place, and there is only one person I can thank for it. For all this opportunity and peace. Thank you, God!
I promise that I am thinking more than I've been posting. I have all this time at work to just think. I mean, I sit there, mindlessly performing my task, thinking about stuff. It's all I have to do, really. I mean, I don't really work with any people. It's just me and my music. Sometimes I think so hard that abruptly "wake up" when something breaks my train of thought. Have you ever thought that hard?

I think about all kinds of things. Marriage. Family. War. Peace. Leaders. Religion. God. Scripture. Music. Orchestras. My dreams. Animals. Life. Death. Human nature. This generation. History. The news. Anything that decides to enter my brain.

During the 12:00 hour, NPR plays all Mozart music. They call it "Mozart Cafe." When I listen to this, I can't help but have conversations in my head with Mozart. I guess he's like my adult imaginary friend.

And with all this pondering, I think of a lot of good things to write in here. At least 10 times a day, I think to myself, "Wow, you should write that in your blog. Store it in the brain so you can retrieve it." But everytime I sit down to write any of these thoughts, one of three things happens:
A) I can't remember what I thought about
B) It ends up sounding way too stupid or controversial. or communist.
C) I get the urge to write about the Yankees instead

So that's why I haven't been posting anything of any value lately. And because blogger got booted out of my schedule. I think I have a lot of time, and I do, but no matter how much time you have, you really don't have any time. That's how it ends up, anyway. But that's the best way.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Congratulations, Melky! You made it to Wikipedia!

Sometimes I think I should be in Wikipedia.
This may sound a little obvious, but I really like playing the flute.

Thank you, my friends, for so much good this summer.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Yesterday, my dad asked me if unicorns were real animals.
And he was serious.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm regressing, I'm regressing...
no, Heart, please. Don't take away my summer fun. Please.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I suprise myself by how attached I really am to baseball and the NYY. I always liked watching them, but now...I've become a fanatic! At work, I find myself thinking about the upcoming game, wondering if we will ever outplay the Red Sox to the #1 spot, wishing I could be watching the day's game instead of being at work. What has come over me? Really!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Only in Port St. John would you see an obese woman driving along the street in a riding lawnmower, smoking a cigarette.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ha! Funny I should mention flying dreams today. I saw the Superman movie. He is SO dreamy. Haha. Girl.

My favorite part of the movie (no spoilers here, I think) was when Superman was little, running through the fields as fast as he could, leaping as high as buildings. Then he could fly! That part really struck a chord in me. Superman can do whatever he wants. I'm sure that I have dreams like that, and they are my absolute favorite kind. There is freedom, lightness, bliss. No tension, no worries, just the feeling that everything in life is perfect. I know exactly what superman was feeling at that moment. I've felt it before. I've done it before!

Just the other day, actually, I had a flying dream. And I knew that it was a dream. Has that ever happened to you, having a dream and knowing it is a dream? Well I did. And Craig was flying next to me. I said, "Craig, this is a really a dream, we can do whatever we want!" (He didn't believe me). And then I didn't know what to do. I mean, if you could do whatever you wanted to do, with no consequence, what would you do? Plus my choices of activity were kind of limited, as I was left only to the choices that my subconscious mind gave me, which isn't much...(I am grammEr smrt)

Plus, throughout the movie, I was reminded of the marching band show my junior year. One of the pieces we played was Superman. I was drum major, and that was the piece that I conducted. It was my theme! There are some good memories and some bad memories connected to that theme, but none of that changes the music. It's really all about the music.

(That was my favorite show that we did. Still is.)
According to my dreams, you can't fly unless you are totally relaxed.

Friday, July 14, 2006

If you were a girl, you would know that Ibuprofen doesn't last all night. And that it takes about 30 minutes to start working.

And that it's REALLY hard to sleep when you feel like someone is inside of you trying to slash your stomach to itty bitty pieces from the inside out. With a chainsaw. And it's not working, so that person just keeps trying harder and harder as the night progresses.

And after that, you get a week of feeling angry and sad and worthless and ugly, because your clothes don't fit right and your face is full of red marks. And snapping at people that you love, eating as many calories as you can possibly stuff into your body, and crying over stupid things like a pencil falling onto the floor.

But it's worth it. I enjoy being a girl.
erstwhile. I should find out what that means.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

This is what summer should be like. A part-time job, a constant project (which for me will forever be the flute), old friends, new friends, good clean fun, growth in life, growth, GROWTH!, travels, thunderstorms, happiness. I've never been more at peace with the world.

To a life where I can watch the sun set
And take my time
Take all our time

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

(As a sidenote, it rained about two hours after they washed the car).
What decides which hand is the dominant hand?

It's nice when I happen to sit at the computer and glance out the window when there is a beautiful sunset outside. I really, really like sunsets.

Swing dancing is the ultimate.


Work gives me a lot of paper cuts.

I'm going to be playing in a 150-member flute choir in a few weeks. Crazy? Yes.

Okay, I'll admit it. No I won't.

No baseball tonight! I think I watch TV (a lot of it is baseball) almost equal the amount of time that I practice every week.

I hope Amsler notices my hard work the next time I play for her.

My parents are going to wash the car. I tell them it's crazy, it rains every day, why are you washing the car? Of course they don't listen.

I'm buying a new flute at NFA. I hope I find the perfect one. I hope my flute is there. And I can afford it. The perfect match. I won't take anything less than love.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I figured a lot of things out tonight. And I am happy. Very, very happy. I love my life!!!

Okay, so here's the deal. If I had a boyfriend from college, I would be wishing he could be here now, and that's all I would be able to think about, and I would be sad. If I had a boyfriend from home, I would miss him all year while at FSU, and I would be alone. But neither of those happen. I am single, and I am not missing anyone (well, not any special boyfriend), and I am happy!
In all things, we need moderation, and we need balance. I have found moderation and balance. Thank you.

Tonight is the all-state of baseball. On a little bit bigger scale. I don't think I'm going to watch it. I need my four hours, and I want to swing! Besides, everyone knows that the AL is going to blow the NL out of the water.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I haven't been posting very well lately, have I?
Oh well.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

In short:
-The Internet has been down (and I've realized how much I use it!)
-It's been a relaxing weekend
-Red Sox lost a 19 inning game

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Still, bringing people joy is the greatest joy.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

There's something very inspirational about watching fireworks with a live orchestra behind you playing the 1812 Overture finale. There was a moment when I didn't think anymore, I just felt. This may sound crazy, as the orchestra was the BSO (Brevard, not Boston) playing through these ghastly speakers, but even bad music has its moments. Tonight was magic.

And earlier in the day, I watched a shuttle launch from my backyard. And ate cheeseburgers and french fries for dinner. I'm an American, and I'm proud of it. Happy birthday, country. Let's hope you don't pull a Rome on us someday.

(Eat it up, J.P; today is your day.)
Thanks, J.P., for popularizing the piccolo. I owe ya one. I guess I should stop knocking your music.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Today is Tom Cruise's birthday. They said on the radio.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

In the movies, couples in love always end up together. Either that or they end up dead.