Monday, March 31, 2008

I really believe I have the best parents in the world. I love you, mom and dad!

Call me crazy, but I predict some very good things in my near future. I just have a feeling.
You'll see.
It's opening day!!!!!

...and the game got rained out.

Ah well.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

This is the day the Lord has made,
Let us rejoice and be glad!

I am so darn happy right now.
The birthday weekend was, in a word, AWESOME.

I am 21 years old.

Here I am,
healthy and young
with hope for the future in Christ,
a loving family,
and awesome, supportive friends.
In Florida, the sunshine state
studying something I truly love.

Things couldn't be better
and there ain't nothin wrong with that!

The good ol' days are RIGHT NOW!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Friday, March 28, 2008

Hey dudes.
Tomorrow is my 21st birthday!!
I am so excited.
People are telling me to stay safe, to not go crazy.
I have to wonder...
Do they even know me?
I am the biggest prude in the world.
Of course I'm not going to make bad decisions.

Anyway, a movie called 21 is coming out today, and that is coincidental.

The end.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hey Brevard
It's almost April 1
Get your butt in gear

I have had such an incredibly easy semester that I almost can't believe it. I get my practicing and school stuff in, I sleep as much as I want, and I still have hour upon hour to just relax. I would highly recommend this lifestyle.

I suppose getting the plague makes up for it though. A little.
There's a big ol' hole
Goes right through the soul
And this ol' shoe
And the water on the ground
ain't got no place else it's found
so it's only got one thing left to do
Just creep on in

These lyrics make no sense

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I was walking home from a class today and for the first time I made a conscious effort to listen to the birds. THERE ARE A LOT OF BIRDS HERE! And they're loud and noisy and they really make music, I swear they make music. I thought to myself, I guess I don't need an ipod to listen to music on my walk. I can just listen to the birds singing.

They're pretty awesome.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Wind orchestra...too much sometimes.

I have a cold. It's not that bad, but I'm kinda tired and can't really breathe. I am, however, almost enjoying the nerdiness of my stuffy nose. I'll breathe that throaty nasaly breath, push my glasses up, and ask the cool guys on dates.

Had a lot of fun last weekend. I love friends.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Friday, March 21, 2008

Lessons in pokemon so people won't keep calling my keychain Charizard:



Dragonite is a nice dragon. Like Puff. Charizard is a mean dragon, like the ones in Harry Potter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I wish I could play the flute

It really bums me out when I'm not up to par.
(Or below par, if you're talking golf.)
Hey, it's the first day of spring, and we're playing the Rite of Spring. I knew it was bad luck to play it in the winter. Didn't I say that? Maybe not. But I thought it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Today was an interesting day.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When I came back to school yesterday, I got a pleasant suprise: the flowers are in bloom! I love spring here, it's so beautiful.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My theory is that all produce is grown by the same company. After everything has been picked, they divide it into two groups. If it is quality produce, it goes to Publix. If it is damaged in any way, it goes to Wal-Mart.

ALSO on an unrelated note, FSU is cool and here's why. These are actual courses you can take for credit here:

rock climbing
flag football
ultimate frisbee
aerobic dance
self defense/martial arts.
circus activities

I think I am going to take self-defense next year. Given my natural talent to be overpowered by basically anyone on the planet, I think it may be a good idea to know some things about self-defense. Dwight would agree.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hey dudes. I'm finally home and lovin' it. Spent 24 hours with Joshee in Jacksonville. I have to say, Jacksonville would be an awesome place to go to school. The whole place reminded me of Brevard county, but the cool parts of Brevard county, like Cocoa Beach and Merritt Island.
My activities there can be summed up in a couple words: softball, RUF, beach, subs, Smash Bros, free chicken. I don't think the guys expected me to be as good as them at Smash Bros. They never do.

In short, it was a really good time with a really good friend.

So now I'm home trying to make up for not playing flute for a whole week. I really missed ol' Bernie. Now that I am well enough to play again, I can't put it down. Flute playing is just so fun! We forget that sometimes, but it really is true.
There was one oboist I played alongside in orchestra who looked at me enviously every time I sounded like I was having fun playing. Oboe must not be as fun as flute. :b

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hey dudes. I'm finally leaving Tally today. Bout time. I'm heading east to hang with my buddy Josh for a few days, then back home for a work/practice/party frenzy. I still have a lot of schoolwork to do, unfortunately.

Anywayzzz, I'm finally completely back to normal, which is AWESOME! I wouldn't wish that virus on anyone. T'was not fun.

Kay, I'm going crazy. Peace out dudes.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I had a flying dream.

I had wings.
Great, white wings. With feathers.
I soared across Tallahassee,
which had a large lake in the middle of it.

It was awesome.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm BORED! I'm still not well enough to play flute, so I've just been lying around, watching tv and movies. Tetris isn't working so I've turned to freecell which I can't play because I keep losing and I get mad (I just need to get back into the groove...). I've turned to schoolwork to keep me occupied...bleh.

A week is much too long a time to have minimal human interaction.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

My grandparents have been married for 61 years.
That makes them cooler than you.
Hey, I finally feel a little bit better today!
I'm over the hill!

Friday, March 07, 2008

By the way, in the span of two days, I have completely obliterated a box of tissues and an entire gallon of gatorade...and that's just my auxillery drink. Watch out, citrus're next.

Yeah, I'm drinking enough fluids. :) :) :)
(smiley colors in honor of the gatorade flavors I have experienced)
Hey dudes, I've come to a conclusion: the antibiotics aren't doing anything! Wee!

Yup, I'm still sick as a mad hatter (and now I'm starting to say stuff like that). Actually, I'm not saying much these days because I can hardly talk!

But at least school is over now and I don't have to worry about missing class. Course, now I'm missing whatever fun I could be having during spring break, I don't know which one is worse.

I cancelled the Memphis trip, so I won't be playing for Ian Clarke. :( Oh well, at least I made the alternate happy (if there is an alternate...)

I have to say, I haven't been this badly sick since a time I can't remember. I never missed a day in school in high school because I was sick, and I very rarely skip classes because I am sick. Even if I do, it will be for a day tops. I have missed class for four straight days now. It's a little scary because I'm not really getting noticably better day to day. Maybe I am and the reconvery is just going so slow that I can't tell. I don't know.

Bottom line: I'm still very sick. Send your love but please don't make me talk. If you have any spare prayers in your pocket, please send this way. Being sick is just no fun.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I went back to Thagard and demanded a throat culture to test for strep.

I don't have strep either.

However, they did perscribe me antibiotics this time. I haven't decided if they're helping or not. My mom said they should help if I have a different strain of strep, if I have an ear infection, or if I have pnemonia. And she would know, because she just took a class in pharmocology. So there.

The antibiotics had an unpleasant side effect that I don't really want to talk about.

I woke up today to a 100.6 temp, which is actually pretty low considering what it has been. My throat still hurts like a madman, and my nose is running like a faucet. I actually had to sleep with a barrier of tissues between me and my pillow (I know, you were just aching for that info.) Speaking of aching, every inch of my body...covered in snakes. (inside joke)

So to conclude, looks like one more day of misery ahead of me. YAY.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Yup, still feel terrible.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

So here's the deal: I'm really sick.
It was pretty bad yesterday, but I felt even worse when I woke up today. I've slept all day, and my mom finally convinced me that I should go to Thagard. When I got there, they stuck a swab up my nose and took some blood, only to tell me that I have neither the flu nor mono. Thanks, Thagard!

They don't know what I have, but they say it will probably last 1-2 weeks. So I don't know about going to class, going to Memphis, doing anything fun over spring break, or playing flute for the next while (btw, I have a nasty cold sore on my lip as a result of this virus. yay). I'll have to wait it out.

I feel pretty terrible if I don't take apsirin, but it's bearable if I'm drugged up. It helps everything but the nasty cough. Reminds me of the cough I used to get every winter in New York.

So that's been my life for the past two days.

Monday, March 03, 2008


So miserable right now

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Those old medeival fogies had it right. Three is the perfect division.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

True story:

About three years ago, a musician friend and I were driving to school together. We were listening to a new recording of Appalachian Spring that I had just purchased and making up a story to go along with the music. We created a story about a pioneer couple, making their new life in America. Building their home and their town. The seasons go by, they marry. They have trouble with the winter and the wildlife, but they push through and they ultimately create America.

When we reached school, I read the liner notes to find out what the piece is really about. Turns out that we had created in our heads the exact plot of the ballet. We had correctly guessed the entire plot through the music alone.

Aaron Copland is a very good composer.
Laize, that's what I am. Today and yesterday and the day before that. It's been an easy week, a good week, and I have been happy. But man, have I been laize.