Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A 4.0 semester. Good egg!

I am getting more and more excited about the possibility of auditioning at Lynn for grad school. I've always said that I would love to stay in Florida (it's right on the beach!), and Renee Siebert is one of my favorite teachers I've had. And of course, she has experience out the wazoo. And right next to the New World Symphony...subbing, maybe? Or even winning a job after getting a degree? I don't know, all I know now is that it all sounds very exciting. I knew I met Kasia for a reason.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm home.
Packing wasn't that fun, buuuut I saw a most radiant rainbow during the drive. I wanted to stare at it instead of the road.

Need to practice, like woah.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tampa Bay swept Boston?
No complaints here, but...man.
Why is it that every time I say to myself, okay, I am going to go to school and practice now, I instead eat chocolate and check facebook? IS IT BECAUSE YOU KNOW I LOVE COUNT CHOCULA??

Friday, April 25, 2008


I hope I get more than 5 hours of sleep before MY graduation.

Also, that it doesn't rain like it did in high school.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm 18 credits away from graduation...::shudder::

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Only one last night of study, and then I'm finished with the semester. One week off and then it's the beginning of a long summer filled with practice, party, and work, which incidentally, is a lot less "work" than what I do here, because it ends when I leave to go home at 2:30.

Hopefully I'll meet some potential grad school teachers over the summer so someone will give me money to go to grad school next year.

Oh, by the way, I made first alternate in the NFA performer's masterclass competition. Pretty cool stuff.
Jacqui, that was the one recording we did in Lindsey where I kept talking to myself and saying "this is really hard" after messing up. I guess something worked out okay in there.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Getting paid for a musical
Working all summer
Not spending money on a summer fest
Tax Return
"Economic stimulus"
Birthday money
+ Winning a big scholarship
Time to go shopping

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Some of my friends have done this, and now that they've talked about it in speech class, I want to do it too. It's basically tells you what you know and don't know about yourself.

Fill it out! If you write anonomyous (or however you spell that word), I'll never know it was you who voted. I'm not a computer geek who can look up IP or anything like that, I promise.

Johari window
Nohari window

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lats night I had nightmares. The kind that you get when you are a kid, about ghosts and haunted houses. It sounds funny now, but it was really NOT funny in the dream. I forgot how powerful an emotion fear can be. I've had bad dreams in my older years, about things that could actually happen, people chasing me trying to kill me...but those were somehow different. In these nightmares last night, I was scared of something I couldn't see. You don't know exactly what is after you, you don't know what it is capable of, you just know that is has some kind of power over you and your companions and that your destiny is in its hands and not your own.

In other words, it's unknown.

I haven't had real nightmares in about 16 years. But I remember now what it's like to wake up in total paralyzing fear, only to realize that it's just a dream.

Friday, April 18, 2008

I love wind orchestra.

You think I'm crazy, I know. But playing that Maslanka Symphony makes me so incredibly happy. And I don't really care who thinks I'm lame, or who thinks that Maslanka isn't real music, or who thinks that band is inferior to orchestra. I don't really care. I love band, I love Maslanka, and I love wind orchestra. I think we are going to give a knockout concert tonight and I am so excited! It's so wonderful to play with such supportive and talented colleagues in the flute section, and such a solid band all-around. There are no weak spots anywhere. It's great. I've never played with such a good band in my life, and I have to say, it's possible that I have never had so much fun making music before.

Go to the wind orchestra concert. You won't regret it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My life right now:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I need more hugs.
A life lesson I learned today: if you miss a dress rehearsal, you might miss out on some VITAL information that if you don't hear will cause you to make embarassing mistakes at a concert. Tenor solo in the rest!

However, if you get the choice to sit it out or dance, GO DANCE!!

P.S. Mas N' Steel is too cool for school.
A comment on my paper:

Passive voice is used throughout.
You've used passive voice throughout.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Guys, we as a society are literally killing Brittney Spears. Leave her alone already. Didn't we learn anything from Princess Diana?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

"It's that time of the year that when you are awake you're not really awake, and when you're asleep you're not really asleep."

So true.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Craig: I'm thinking about opening my socks.
CMAC is actually pretty cool.

I knew some of the people who came in to give budget presentations. It's a good example of credibility. You never know who is going to be on the committee that decides if your group gets funded or not, so just respect everyone. To grad students: don't write off undergrads like me. We can have an impact, believe it or not.

Friday, April 11, 2008

"It's a magic trick."
"What, playing in tune?"
Q: If you find a shovel on the side of the road and you write your name on it, is that art?

A: No.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I got the freaking Brautlecht scholarship!!! $3000!!!!!!

This is what the letter says:

The scholarship is awarded to one undergraduate music major per academic year. The award is based upon scholarship, performance and/or composition, musical and academic excellence, and outstanding promise for success in the music profession.

(take that, Brevard!)

And at the luncheon, I sat at Dean Gibson's table! I was the star for the day!

I feel so blessed right now. Thank you, forces that made this happen.

Congratulations also to Sivan, who recieved the coveted Presser award. I can't think of a better person to give it to. She's been the best horn player here since she came as a freshman.

Wow. Just wow. It's a good day.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I am getting the big award today. I will finally find out what exactly it is and why I am getting it.

I am still very excited! Wee!
Edit: By the way, they changed the title of the game from Block Star to Tetris Friends. You be the judge of that one.
I must comment on the collective spirit of the tetris-playing community.

As of noon yesterday, I was a huge fan of an application on facebook called "Block Star." I played it every day; it helped me relax and unwind, it let me really listen to music while I played it, and it was just plain fun! Well, 24 hours ago, the application got taken over by a big company (clearly a sellout) and the new company basically ruined the application. They changed everything and it's not fun anymore, it's horrible. I don't know how you can ruin a good game like tetris, but they managed to do it.

Well, like me, ALL of the Block Star addicts on facebook are outraged. In 24 hours, the rating of the application fell from 5 stars (rating of 5, the highest it can get) to 2 stars (rating of 1.9), and it's still falling. Player after player is giving it the lowest rating possible. Block Star loyals have flooded the message boards with discussions about how everyone HATES the new version (which, by the way, doesn't even work for mac users anymore), and there are approximately 50 pages of wall posts of enraged users just like me. Check it out for yourself. It's simply amazing.

I have never seen such a unanimous agreement about anything in my life. There is virtually no Block Star user that likes the new version. People are REALLY MAD about it, and they're voicing their opinions. I am so proud of the tetris community. I know that the big new company probably isn't going to bring back the old Block Star like we have called for, but at least we have brought them down with us by lowering the rating till it's the lowest it can get and then leaving the application.

I know it sounds crazy, but it's inspiring to me to see a community work together like this. And all because of tetris.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Just in case you were wondering, Baroque flute does not equal panpipes.
I guess one postive aspect of hearing loss will be more sound sleep, huh?


Hey, general public...
chill out, okay?
It's gonna be okay.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Oh my gosh, I have the biggest headache right now. I have been playing music, mostly piccolo, for SEVEN straight hours. 2 in wind orchestra, one in studio, and four in Secret Garden rehearsal. Uuuuughhhh

I love music, but there comes a time when you've had too much of a good thing...
also, I'm bad at recorder

I am going to sleep well tonight.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

I don't know how to word what I want to say...

Basically, I am glad that I have friends that are guys.
And we have the same relationship as my girl friends.

That's a good thing.
The end.

Friday, April 04, 2008

The next planet was inhabited by a drunkard. This visit was a very brief one, but it plunged the little prince into a deep depression.

"What are you doing there?," he asked the drunkard, whom he found sunk in silence before a collection of empty bottles and a collection of full ones.

"Drinking," replied the drunkard, with a gloomy expression.

"Why are you drinking?" the little prince asked.

"To forget," replied the drunkard.

"To forget what?" inquired the little prince, who was already feeling sorry for him.

"To forget that I'm ashamed," confessed the drunkard, hanging his head.

"What are you ashamed of?" inquired the little prince, who wanted to help.

"Of drinking!" concluded the drunkard, withdrawing into silence for good. And the little prince went his way, puzzled.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

"Good morning," said the little prince.

"Good morning," said the salesclerk. This was a salesclerk who sold pills invented to quench thirst. Swallow one a week and you no longer feel any need to drink.

"Why do you sell these pills?"

"They save so much time," the salesclerk said. "Experts have calculated that you can save fifty-three minutes a week."

"And what do you do with those fifty-three minutes?"

"Whatever you want"

"If I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked," the little prince said to himself, "I'd walk very slowly toward a water fountain..."
I got waitlisted at Brevard for the third year in a row.

I am really, really ticked off right now. I am absolutely sure that I am at the right level now. I had a great audition and a very strong resume. All around me my colleagues at the same level as me are easily getting into these festivals. What is going on?? What do I have to do to get into Brevard? WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO??


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I am lazy and tired and I want to hear from Brevard. I am very aware that I have felt and acted listless the whole day.

And yes, I would like some cheese with that whine.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I'm going to get a big award.
I don't know much about it.
But I am excited.