Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Happy New Year to all! Goodbye 2002, hello 2003!!
I gotta admit, 2002 was a pretty admirable year. It's gonna be pretty hard to beat. But who knows what this new year will bring? We'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, December 29, 2002

So here we are. A fresh new quiz stolen from (where else?) Shannon's blog

Are You Doing Good In School: No school currently but don't get me worked up about Collier's exam which will prolly be the end of me
Mode of Transportation: feet
Do You Like Your Parents: they have their moments
Do You Believe In God: above all, I believe in God
Song: what's the question?
Cheer-Me-Up Song: I have lots. Just depends on what is in my CD player at the moment
Kool Aid Flavor: I seriously dont have one
Food: spaghetti
Chocolate or Vanilla: depends on what mood I'm in, but I'm more inclined to say chocolate
Red or Blue: red
Walmart or Kmart: Kmart sucks
Shorts or Pants: pants
Skirt or Dress: dress
Summer or Winter: winter with all it's long sleeves and blankets
Are you single: in a way
If Not, Who's Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I think you should all know this by now
Do You have A Crush On Someone: a few people
Who: Frodo, for one (just a celebrity crush, dont get too excited)
Tall or Short: me? pretty dang short
Dark-Haired or Blonde: blondish-brownish mess
Six Pack or Arms: arms
Which song describes you the best: lol
If you could go any where in the world where would it be: why is the world the limit? I want to go to paradise

Have you ever...

Taken a picture of yourself with a milk mustache and sent it to the milk people? naw. Thats for the active people
Said "I love you" and not mean it? nope....wait...maybe
Gotten into a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish/etc: haha I've gotten in a fight with my fishies because that's all I've ever had
Been to New York? I love NY. I have the shirt to prove it
Been to Florida? what is this "Florida" you speak of?
California? no. only losers go to the west coast
Hawaii? no
Mexico? no
China? no
Danced naked? ummm...no...thats kinda wierd
Had a dream about something really crazy? every night it seems like
Stalked someone? no
Had a mud bath? no
Wished you were the opposite sex? only during PMS
Had an imaginary friend? sadly, yes, but only to fit in more. My imaginary friend was totally fake
Apples or Bananas? apples
Wal Mart or Target? Target sure is nicer
Spring or fall? fall all the way!!
Santa or Rudolph? IDK...Rudolph?
What are you going to do after you finish this survey? prolly hit my computer because it isnt working
What was the last meal you ate? dinner
High school or college? I'm in high school
Are you bored? yes, the good kind of bored
How many of your buddies are online? 5
Last noise you heard: the voices in my head (telling me to "KILL KILL KILL THE ICE CREAM MAN" LoL)
I don't really know why I'm blogging. I have nothing in particular to say.
I watched the new LOTR...they have the wood elves!! And there's a whole section in there for "Concerning Hobbits." Very nice indeed. Now I gotta watch it with commentary. I imagine that will be tedious. I do so love LOTR. Someday I'll travel to New Zealand (I know thats prolly not spelled right so sue me) and see all the sets because I bet theyre amazin.
Hmmm. I need a quiz.
be back in a flash

Friday, December 27, 2002

Yesterday, I had octopus. It was good. It was at this one restaurant where we had a waiter who was really dumb. He would, like, try to impress everyone with his mad waiter skills but he was just goofy. He looked exactly like Richard Simmons (regarded by my Uncle as "that idiot exercise guy" lol) And I went to the millenia mall. All is good.

I really wish I could drive. Alone. I am sick and tired of getting to things late because I'm a slave to Craig's driving. Or having heart attacks when my mom gets excited when I'm driving. It's ridiculous, really. And I wish I could just say "OK, I want to go to the store now" and be able to go. I guess thats the price you pay for waiting to drive legally.

I was just kidding when I said it was yesterday. It was really two days ago. As for today, I got a cool new haircut. I bet everyone who sees me now will say something along the lines of "Ashley, you got a haircut!" And I'll be like, "Yup." Don't say I didnt warn you.

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Yesterday, my mom came home proudly carrying my letterman's jacket. I took one look at it and said "Who is Ahsley Stahl?"

Monday, December 23, 2002

Blogger blogger blogger
I have good friends. Even when they leave my party to go have a party at Mike's house. They are still good. And ya know what? Good friends give good gifts. I have good friends -and- good gifts. Hooray for me. BTW, Shannon, I'm not mad at you. How can you get mad at someone for not going to their party? It's not like it was even your fault.
Good friends also make good parties. Because you could not have a party without the guests. In essence, the guests make the party. Hahahahahahahahaha.
Yay, Uncle Larry and Aunt Karlene are here. They are my favorite.
Yes, sadly, what intelligence I had during school leaked out and now I'm left with a head full of nothing. Air. Airhead.

Oh blessed time!

Thursday, December 19, 2002

See if you can find the change in my template!
I don't think I've ever been so mad in my life. I was about to throw my desk across the room. And I was so mad that I could've done it. But it quickly went away...walking back to the bandroom, I wasn't killing my water bottle anymore, when I started practicing, my rage started to dissolve more, and by the time I was on my way home, I was happily singing along with Grease in the car. Those of you who have saw me mad--and showing it outwardly--have seen a rare thing. But it's all good now, because winter break has started and there's nothing I can do about it. No hard feelings against Collier. I forgive him.
No more tests to stress about, no more lost sleep, no more grouchy teachers, no more ignorant people, no more wondering if theres a pop quiz coming up, its all gone. It's almost too good to be true. They say that if something seems too good to be true, than it probably is. They say there's always a catch. I'll tell you though, there's not. Some things are meant to be that amazing.

My mom is yelling at some petty little discontentment about Craig's behavior. How surprising.
Okay, that's it, I can't hear myself think anymore. See ya.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Once, I had an ortho appointment in the Titusville office and they were running really late, so the waiting time was long and I didn't bring a book, so I was really bored. (hows that for a run-on?) I searched around the room for something to do, and I found a sign on the door that said
"Payment is expected
when services are rendered
unless other arrangements
are made in advance
Thank you"
And I was like, wow how nice. There must be a cool tune to go to that. But I asked them, and they didnt have one, so I made one up. I still remember it. So I started singing it to the person sitting next to me. He was like, wow, thats really catchy, can you teach me? And I was like, sure. Soon enough, everyone waiting knew the little jingle. Then we all started singing it together, and the people working there were half-amazed and half-annoyed. They decided to go with the "if you can't beat em, join em" attitude and pretty soon they learned it too. Then we all stood on our chairs and sang to the heavens. I felt the enormous amount of unity, the moment that all of us sang that jingle together. It was beautiful. It made me want to cry, because before all this, I didn't know anyone in the room.

Thats the story of the day. (If you were wondering, the only truth in it is that I saw the sign and made up a jingle about it)

I await the day when I do not have exams anymore. I am waiting for the day.

Monday, December 16, 2002

I totally just spent 3 hours decorating Christmas cookies

Sunday, December 15, 2002

I had this crazy BSYO concert yesterday and it should've been cancelled because it was freaky cold out. Even the macho guys who are never supposed to get cold were freezin. And my fingers were numb and I couldn't move them and I was shaking and couldn't even get a straight tone out. It was, in essence, miserable. Then we had the parade which I had the honor of marching in. There are a couple things that I despise about marching band and the leading canidates are pep rallies and parades. At least I wasn't too hot or cold. Actually, it wasn't too bad at all. It seemed about half as long as last year. I wasn't tired at all by the end, unlike my hapless friends whose arms were falling off.
Then a bunch of people came over and ate fundraiser pizza and watched Children of Eden and A Goofy Movie and it was good. Then some college people came and I didn't get to sleep for a long time because and Alyssa and Craig and I stayed up watching The Iron Chef. That show is crazy. They take it so seriously, it's comical. And now I must go because I have much to do about nothing.

Friday, December 13, 2002

I have two words for you, friends: BLISSFULLY UNAWARE

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Bad Ashley!
::hits head on wall::

Monday, December 09, 2002

If anyone objects to a Christmas party on the Sunday (thats the 22) we get out of school, email me. Otherwise, thats the date.

Hey guys, guess what?
They only pick 5 (five) flute players (that is, flutists) out of the whole state! And this is against all high schoolers, even juniors and seniors!
I could win MONEY!!! And you guys are like, haha I just got $50 from doin somethin dumb, and I get jazz gigs all the time, but I say no, have you ever gotten $250? I didnt think so. That looks like a lot more when you only get about $3 a week for allowance. Besides, I have never gotten money for playing my flute anywhere before. I WIN.
By the way, I went a little parsimonious (ooh SAT word) with the Christmas presents this year. Don't expect a lot.

Sunday, December 08, 2002


Saturday, December 07, 2002

My hand is pussin. I dont think thats a verb, though. Good thing they got band aids and put them in their bathroom and then fell asleep so I'd have to wake them up to get to the band aids. And its a darn good thing I'm not driving 10 hours tomorrow. (Seriously, I'm not)

To stop the train
whenever it is necessary
Pull down the chain
Pull down the chain
Penalty for improper use
five pounds

To stop the band
whenever is it necessary
Watch the conductor
Watch the conductor
If you don't you may end up
all by yourself

I like how I complain that I never have enough time to do homework even though I wasted today doing absolutly nothing. And tomorrow, I'll procrastinate and end up doing it all from 7-9 at night and not do a good job and not study at all, just do the homework that is imperative. And I'll complain because I missed The Simpsons and Malcom in the Middle, even though I could've gotten it all done today but instead went "La dee dah" and ignored it.
Hey, at least I know my shortcomings.

Friday, December 06, 2002

Man, that was so fun, I can't help but talk about it now. (I know, I know, it's Saturday. So sue me)
So the people going were me, Heather, and Taylor. After dinner, I tripped and fell so badly, it wasn't even funny. Except is was really funny at the time. But I really hurt myself. Now my hand is throbbing in pain from all the scrapes. I really wanted to scream from pain when I washed my hand. IT BURNS. But it was funny because it happened when we were running from a stopped car that was waiting for us. We realized it was there all at once and started running in three different directions. I tried to change direction too fast, and dress shoes really dont have the best traction. It was so dang funny because we were all in a panic from the stopped car. Then I come home and realize this has to be the day when we dont have any band aids. Cool man. Anyhow, that was my first ballet (I went to Lord of the Dance but thats more tap dancing) and it was really cool.

Pickle+Potato chip=carrot cake

my hand hurts so much make it stop make it stop
How many times have I heard some form of the phrase "It's cold ouside" today?

I wish I could say "Go away" when I want to and have it not offend people. It's not even that offensive. I can think of plenty phrases that are more crude and offensive than a simple "go away." The thing is, even if I said it, they probably wouldn't even listen. So what's the point? Oh well, at least I get to go see the Nutcracker (or as Heather calls it "The Russian Ballet" lol) at the King Center tonight.

15+25=40=two $20 bills (that was a calculator problem, there)

See...the icicles oh please just get out of my head

So here I am with my mug of hot chocolate, sitting at my computer, writing at my blogger. This is a good time to tell those of you who have not heard it yet my horrifying and completely true story of The Perkins Omelette
One completely normal day, I went into Perkins to have dinner with my mom. I ordered a cheese omelette with nothing else on it. I love cheese omelettes. When I got it, it was soo good, I thought it was the greatest thing in the world. Of course, it had no nutritional value at all, but I was so naive of this, I didn't realize it at the time. And then, suddenly, a spider fell onto it from the ceiling. I started freaking out as it crawled all over my omelette. Then it jumped on me. I almost screamed, but I kept my cool and brushed it onto the floor. Now, this wasn't a big spider or anything. It was just a harmless little skinny one, but it ruined my perfect image of the omelette I was eating.
Here's the true ending to the story
I finished the omelette, but it just didn't taste as good as it did before. Maybe I was more hungry before. Maybe it was the image of the spider suddenly appearing on my food. But after that spider dropped on it, the omelette not only had no nutritional value, but also lost my admiration as the perfect omelette.
Here's the ending that I wrote for it
The omelette was never going to be as good as it was before, so I asked for another one (and told the management about their spider problem). The staff was so embaressed that they let that happen, that they added all kinds of nurturing things in the new omelette. Even though this new omelette was not my favorite kind, it both tasted good and was good for me. This was the omelette that was to fill my deepest hunger and stay in me forever.
The end

Thursday, December 05, 2002

See...the icicles
See...the icicles
See...the icicles
See...them melt
Gee I hope I spelled icicles right
Wait, no I dont
Because it doesnt matter!!!!! Mwahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!(manical laughter)

Hey kids! Ya know what time it is? Dumb quiz time!!! I got this one from my good friend Shannon:

I dont know where no 1 is
2.What pants are you wearing right now? nice fuzzy, stretchy, black ones
3. What song are you listening to right now? See...the icicles
4. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 9972
5. What was the last thing you ate? A yogurt bar
6.If you were a crayon, what color would you want to be? royal purple for no reason in particular
7. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? I really havent thought that far yet
8. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? ummmm
10. How is the weather right now? rainy
11. Last person you talked to on the phone? I really seriously can't remember
12. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? ha....their hair
14. What's your favorite quote? I can't tell you, I like to selfishly guard it for myself
15. How are you today? fine, thanks
18. How do you eat an Oreo? dunk
19. Favorite sports? gymnastics, marching band, curling
20. What makes you happy? eating chocolate (but too much gives you a headache)
21. What's the next CD you're going to get? Elysian Fields. Actually, I'm lying. I got that already. Tricked ya.
22. Hair color: gold (thats what the hair cutter told me once)
23. Eye color: green
25. Do you wear contacts? no
26. Siblings and their ages? Craig 17
27. What do you like to do? pertend I'm really dumb
28. What's the best advice given to you? dont worry
29. Have you ever won any special awards? yes
30. What are your future goals? awww, you dont want to hear them....
33. Favorite day of the year? depends on the year. Last year my favorite day was a tie including the day I found out I made all state
35. Do you like to dance? Yes, but I dont think other people appreciate my superior dancing abilities....
36. Are you shy to ask someone out? lol
37. Worst sickness you ever had? when my kidneys decided to stop working after back surgery, though I dont think youd really count that as sick
38.What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? hahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm not tellin.
40. Do you like scary, sad or happy movies better? hmmm. Good question.
41. Summer or winter? summer for school break, winter for temperature. Though fall is the best.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Taking my cue from Shannon and Alyssa, here's my day in a nutshell!

-But I dont wanna get up!
-Fine! I didnt want you to play them!
-And to his team he gave a whistle..."Achoo!"
-haha, you didn't prepare for the test! (even though it is open book)
-Oops, sorry guys, we weren't able to ring the special bell.
-What is wrong with this sentence? "Finishing the zebra, the tourists watched the lion lick his chops"
-shut up
-You don't have morals if you play out of tune
-It's flutist not flautist!
-The other pages? I dont think you freshman are mature enough for that.
-Do you know how to do this, Ashley? How about now? You dont know yet?
-allo. Fine, ignore me. I dont like you anyway.
-You are the best technical student I have ever had. But your tone sucks.
-I am a rock
-Just shoot the dang piccolo. Put it out of its misery.
-Oh my!
-But I dont wanna go to Wendys!

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Funny how someone can ruin your life so fully and not even know it.

Funny how someone can bring you such joy and not even know it.

Sunday, December 01, 2002

Upon close inspection, I've decided my eyes are green. Just thought you guys should know that.

Yesterday was really cool. Mom and I decorated the interior while Craig and Dad did the outside lights (which turned out really nice!) Then we all helped put up the tree (awww). After we put up the tree, we wrapped presents. I have a strange fascination with wrapping presents; I love doing it. I feel spoiled spending all this time with my family, even though my mom was in a bad mood the whole time. ("What's that ornament doing on the tree!?!") I mean, most kids don't even live with their whole family, I know I'm really lucky.
We have this one tree ornament that's so dang funny. I don't know where we got it, but it's a teddy bear with glued on eyes and mouth. Except it lost most of it's mouth, and it looks so stupid now. Craig and I could not stop laughing when we found it and parents couldn't figure out what we were laughing at. But it's so dang funny. If you happen to come over to my house before we take the tree down, ask me to show you the ornament. You will laugh.
I wonder if I will ever go through with my Christmas party idea. I've never had a Christmas party before, and it would either be the day that school ends or the 23rd, and both present problems. Hmmm. We'll see what happens.