Sunday, February 29, 2004

I went dress shopping today. For a prom dress. You know what that means? That means I'm going to prom.

Let me repeat that for you slow ones.

I'm going to prom.

You know what girls who go to prom need? They need dates. And no, not the fruit. They need dates who

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Today was a bad dream...and then a large series of good dreams...

Friday, February 27, 2004

There are so many things that are swirling through my head right now, after seeing (or rather, experiencing) The Passion of the Christ. I could tell you everything I'm thinking, but it's just too much. I'm ashamed that it took a movie for this to happen...

I challenge everyone, especially you, Richard, to see this movie and not feel different afterward. Don't take my word for it. GO!
Going to see Passion of Christ, 7:30, with parents and grandparents. Can't wait!

Today is the best day. I'm going to see an eagerly-anticipated movie, I finally finished all my summer camp stuff (the Tanglewood recordings sound amazing), exams are over, I got my all-county CD (!!!), I get to sleep in tomorrow, I have no homework or studying or practicing to do, I have some awesome plans for the weekend, and I'm in a really good mood! Good tidings to all!
Never underestimate the power of a good mood.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Good luck on your Julliard audition, Will!

Okay, ummm, yeah. Again I'm plauged that shallow feeling....I have nothing to say except to ramble on about the stupid little things in my life. What do they mean? Nothing, that's what. In the end, it won't matter how much music I made, how much money I made, who I was friends with, what I ate or wore, how good I was at doing things, what grades I got, not even the good or bad things that I did. Nothing will matter but God. So why do I care so much about these other things? Why? Why do I care so much? Someone answer me that.

A different thought
The world is a lonely place if you want it to be. I love the one who push others away, only to complain that he is alone. You can make things in your life so pleasant and agreeable if only you would just adopt a new perspective, a new way to approach life. I detest when people say life is bad, that there's no point to it. Let me assure you, life is not all bad! There has to be at least one good thing in everybodys life. I don't care who you are or what your pitiful circumstances are, there has to be something good. And if there isn't something good right now, then create something! Look at the sky. There's a blessing right there, the opportunity to see the as far as the eye can see. Or a sunrise or sunset of brilliant, warm colors. Is this not a good thing? I feel that whenever someone says life is not worth living, they are taking this for granted. And I just hate that. Finding good is as easy as talking to a friend or looking at the sky. Maybe I've just had a very easy life so far, and I can't talk for victims of unfortunate events. However, I know that life is only as good as you make it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Ideas I stated today

"Fish are only a giant head and some flippers. That's all fish are. Look at them! Do you see any body? I don't! I just see a giant head and some fins."

"[about Rugrats, the television show] The whole show is centered around babies talking! It defeats the purpose to have a baby in it who can't talk. That's just wacko."

"Do you know what Mardi Gras is? It's a big celebration to get people's partying out before the solemn time of Lent. Which starts tomorrow, Ash Wednesday. It really REALLY defeats the purpose of the celebration if you extend it farther than today. Tuesday is the cutoff. People are stupid"

Well I didn't use those exact words, but ya know.

Tomorrow is my Tanglewood recording.
My room is going to be painted a light pinkish purple.
Today is Fat Tuesday, and a very good day indeed.
I changed my buddy icon into a guy running into a cactus. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to use it. It's one of those things that you manically (is that a word?) laugh at for 5 minutes, even if you are alone.

No philosopher Ash today. I'm in too good of a mood, seeing as I have little homework...

Monday, February 23, 2004

A lot of times when I'm around people, or even alone, I feel really shallow. I am contantly thinking of exactly what I shouldn't be thinking of: my personal life and aspects of it. Finding ways to do what I want to, because it feels good. Looking good. Having everything perfect. Having fun. These are not what life is all about. I need to learn that.
I'm trying....I'm trying...but I am ever-failing...

Someone tell me what to do for Lent

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Canticle of the Sun...
The heavens are telling the glory of God
and all creation is shouting for joy!
Come dance in the forest,
Come play in the fields,
and sing, sing to the glory of the Lord!

Saturday, February 21, 2004

I remember the first day we sightread Night on Bald Mountain. That day I was in the office chatting with Mr. Schwindt and he said we might not do it because he thought it was too easy. Oh how thoughts can change.
I guess he was impressed with our accuracy of sight reading. The problem is, it hasn't gotten any better since then.

Man I need to do something tonight. I'm feelin a little left out at this piont. What is everyone doing? Lets see...maybe I'll use the evilphone for once.
I guess I COULD practice or do some homework. But that'd be useful. Can't have that. Or maybe I'll waste some more time on the computer thinking about what I should do. Yessums.


Friday, February 20, 2004

Oh how I love stealing quizzes...

001. name : Ashley
002. nicknames : Ash, stupid, stupidash
003. sex : female
004. birthday : March 29
005. age : 16
006. star sign : aries
007. birth place: Buffalo
008. current residence: Port
009. hair colour : the usual
010. eye colour : greenish
011. height : 5'1
012. writing hand : right

013. do you bite your nails : no
014. can you roll your tongue : no. That means no flutter tounging and no majoring in jazz flute for me.
016. can you raise one eyebrow at a time : it only works with one
017. can you blow smoke rings: I dont know
018. can you blow spit bubbles : maybe
019. can you cross your eyes: badly but yes
020. colored hair: thats not a question
021. tattoos and where : no tattoos
022. piercing and where : ears pierced
023. do you make your bed daily : yes, because mom gets mad when I dont
024. what goes on first bra or underwear : I dont know
0025. which shoe goes on first : i dont know
036. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone : oh yeah. That used to be a joke with me alyssa and heather, stealing shoes and throwing them
037. how much money is usually in your wallet? : 15-40 buckaroos
038. what jewelry do you wear 24/7 : my gold necklace and my watch. Usually some earrings too.
039. whats sexiest on a guy : when he really really likes you
040. whats sexiest on a girl : i dont know
041. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great : prolly look great. In the Catcher in the Rye, Holden says he doesn't care if a girl is late as long as she looks good.
042. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it : twirl, duuh
043. how many cereals are in your cabinet : hmm I think my parents would start asking me questions if I went out and looked so Ill not answer this one
044. what utensils do you use eating pizza : if its really hot I might use a fork
045. do you cook : not usually, no

046. how often do you brush your teeth : depends. No less than twice a day.
047. how often do you shower/bathe : once a day
048. how long do these showers last : ummm about 10-20 min I guess, depending on how long the hot water decides to last
049. hair drying method : never anything but air dry
050. do you paint your nails : you know, I used to paint them all the time but I stopped. The last time I painted my nails was at homecoming.
051. do you swear : no
052. do you mumble to yourself : I guess
053. do you spit in public : oh no jeez, thats one of my pet peeves
054. do you pee in the shower : what? no!

055. in the cd player : Tuck Everlasting, Mozart, and Lord of the Rings
056. person you talk most on the phone with : nobody really
057. what color is your bedroom : boring white
058. do you use an alarm clock : when I take naps
059. name one thing or person you're obsessed with: Lord of the Rings
060. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : no
061. ever sunbathed in the nude: no
062. window seat or aisle : depends on a lot of things. If I want to talk to people, then aisle. If I hate people at the moment, window. It gets complicated...
063. whats your sleeping position: on my side
064. what kind of bed do you like : soft ones
065. in hot weather do you use a blanket : ya, well a sheet at least
066. do you snore : I dont think so
067. do you sleepwalk : haha no thatd be cool though
068 do you talk in your sleep : yeah. I still remember that one sleepover when I said "Well that takes care of that!"
069. do you sleep with a stuffed animal : ya, with good old Patches every night
070. how about the light on : no
071. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on : no I used to though

072. had sex : no, I mean never
073. were kissed or kissed someone : why do they always ask me this?
074. watched bambi : wow....that has been quite a while. More than 13 years, prolly
075. cried : almost two weeks ago
076. talked on the phone : tonight
077. read a book : I finished it today
078. punched someone : haha, last weekend. I was a punching machine.

079. is music important to you : indeed
080. do you sing? : yes
081. what instruments do you play? : flute and piccolo
082. what do you think of Eminem : He has some problems socially and musically

083. pop music : yes
084. rock music : yes
085. punk music : ....maybe....
086. rap music : NO
087. hip-Hop/RB : for the most part
088. country : good country can be okay
089. jazz : oh yeah
090. classical : woot
091. new age : new age is the best
092. what is one band/singer you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard of? : hmmm....dont rightly know in...the don' isn't...I....don't understand...insane...burning...

Some things I know make me extremely mad and are very bad for me but I do them anyway. I don't know why, but I do.
Wow some stuff I write in here makes no sense, like that thing about starlight. I can say some crazy stuff when I'm tired.

It's been a tough week. I've been slightly sick all week, not nearly sick enough to miss school but sick enough to overwork my body by fighting off viruses and being tired all the time. Sorry if I have come across as moody or cross, I just haven't been in the best physical condition this week. I thank my good immune system, as it could have been worse...

I just realized that I am a really big overachiever. I study way more than I have to to do well in school (Everyone: "Shut up Ashley."). And I stress myself so much, with no reason. Yesterday I was planning to study for a big calc test, but I was feeling pretty tired and lazy so instead I took a two hour nap and watched Survivor. I felt unprepared going into the test today, but it turns out I aced it and solved all the problems correctly. Imagine that.
What's the moral of this story? I need to take it easy every once in a while. Give myself a break. What's the worst that could happen, anyway?

Is there such a thing as snoring while awake? Because thats what I'm doing.

The ongoing war...
Brain: Go practice
Me: I'm tired. I don't want to.
Brain: Well, then, since youre on the computer already, do that website review.
Me: No. Go away.
Heart: I'm lonely.
Me: Nobody cares, heart.
Brain: Yeah, heart, shut up.
Stomach: You are hungry. Go eat.
Me: No, I'm having dinner soon.
Heart: You hurt my feelings...
Brain: Why don't you want to do that website review?
Me: Heart, stop whining. I said no one cares, and I mean it. Brain, I just don't feel like it, alright?
Stomach: Feed me.
Eyes: Go put your glasses on.
Me: They look stupid.
Stomach: You are hungry. Brain's gonna get into one one his moods soon if you don't feed me. And you don't like that.
Brain: I don't get into moods!
Stomach: Yes you do. Don't deny it.
Brain: I do not!
Stomach: You're in one right now.
Me: Stop fighting, you guys. I'm gonna go take a nap.
All: NOOO!
Heart: I'm lonely!
Stomach: You're hungry!
Brain: You're stupid!
Me: I'm taking a nap, and that's all there is to it. I'm not gonna fight with you guys. So just shut up.
Brain: You're not being useful to any of us.
Me: You'll see. Just wait. You'll all feel better when I wake up.
Brain: I just hope you know what you're doing.

See this is what happens when I get tired.

Man. TGIF. I'm goin to get some well-deserved sleep tonight. Amen to that.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

When I was in eighth grade the school made me take a stupid P.E. class, as they make everyone take. In it the students took lots of physical fitness tests, to see where they lie in the spectrum (and to embarass some students.) I can't remember all the tests we took, but I had some very unsuprising and some very surprising results. The unsuprising ones were speed, where the test was the mile run (I ended up in the upper average range) and flexibility, where there were some stretching tests (I ended up way above average-I still had some gymno left in me). A suprising one was the power test. The test for that was to jump as far out as you can in one single jump with no running or anything. A average person can jump their height; I jumped my height plus a foot and a half. I can think of a few reasons I did so well on this, one being my height advantage. The next suprising test was endurance. We had to jump rope as long as we could, and I was the last one jumping rope after everyone stopped. I kept going. It was tough, but I did it. The next suprising test was the coordination test. I have come to realize that I have the worst hand-eye coordination in the history of the world. The test was to bounce a tennis ball on the wall and catch it with the other hand. The average for a certain amount is thirty; I got 11. Not too hot.
But all that is gone now anyway because I do no physical activity now except the occasional pillow fight, or game of keep away, which I lose every time. Or a bike ride. Those are very stress relieving.

I really don't know what the point of all that was.

The other night I had a dream that I won a trip to a coral reef, and I went there but I didn't know where to go. So this fish was my guide, but to understand it it had to be in my mouth. So I was swimming around with this fish in my mouth and I was so scared I was going to swallow it. Oh yeah and the fish could talk to me and I could talk to it, but it was tough, because, again, it had to be in my mouth. I realized it's tough to talk to something thats inside your mouth. The reef was pretty though.

Last night my mom drove me to flute lesson because she wanted to talk to my teacher. On the way home, I was very tired and I rested my head against the window, gazing out into the night. It was a cold and dark, and the sky was all black except for one star which lit up the whole sky. Sure, you could see other stars out there, but they were all dull, dead. But the one star shined a brilliant light, and I couldn't help but admire the beauty of it. That was the moment that I started thinking about things. Beauty always make me think about things.
There's no person in my life that is that one star. I know so many people, and every individual is important to me. Everyones starlight shines together to light up my life. And that, I think, is the way it should be. No one person should be the center of your life. I know people tend to lose themselves when they get new mates or friends. They focus all thought on that one person and forget about everyone else, even themselves. Thus, amazing people can be perilous without even knowing it. And I'll admit that it is very easy to do, that new things are very exciting. But please, don't lose yourself and everyone you knew. After all, isn't a whole sky full of starlight is much more beautiful than a single, solitary star?

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Hello everybody.
I am in a good mood and I got a lot of work done today.
Exciting, yes?

You know what? I've got a hunch. A good hunch, ya know?
Today is February 15. Two years ago and one year ago something good happened on February 15. Maybe today will stay with the trend. Maybe.
Man I can remember those days like they were yesterday. I don't wanna get all sappy, but remembering makes me a little bit sad. But it's all in the past, and you can't change the past. You can only live in the present and look to the future.

Please, remember me.

Reading my blog, one could certainly conclude that I love music, that I value friends and family, that I care about my grades, that I like to have fun, that I stick to morals, and that I love God. Indeed, that is a pretty good description of me and my values. But there are some things that this blog won't tell you. And those are the things that you have to find out for yourself.

Saturday, February 14, 2004


Part 1 -- The Basics
What's your name? ::: Ashley, aka Ash
Birthplace ::: Buffalo
Age ::: 16
Age you act ::: my age, I think?
Current location ::: home, sir
Eye color ::: green brown green
Hair color ::: gold!
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: ambi...righty
Zodiac sign? ::: aries
Height? ::: 5'1"
Part 2 -- Describe...
Your heritage/nationality ::: half german, quarter french, quarter czechslovakian
Your hair ::: long, thin strands coming out of my head
Your fears ::: mad dogs and squirrels, getting lost, snakes, lizards, losing everything I have, failure, rejection...the list could go on and on
Your perfect room ::: all tile with no furniture and mad acoustics
What you practically do in a day ::: sleep, eat, practice, breathe
Part 3 -- What is/are...
Words you overuse ::: man, stuff, cool, like
Phrases you overuse ::: whats going on?, I hate it, and stuff
Your first thought when you wake up ::: is it the weekend?
Your greatest accomplishment ::: living to be the age I am
Something you want to do ::: play the flute very well
Part 4 -- This or that
Pepsi or Coke ::: pepsi tastes better, but it makes your teeth feel like they have acid on them
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: i dont know, theyre both the same to me
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: I think I might like Brittneys vioce and style of music better
Chocolate or vanilla ::: vanilla
Adidas or Nike ::: nike maybe
Black or white ::: black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: coins are nice and shiny
Burgers or hot dogs ::: i dont rightly know
Egypt or France ::: decisions, decisions.....prolly france
Rock or rap ::: rock
Part 5 -- Do you...
Smoke ::: no way jose
Cuss ::: no
Sing well ::: no
Sing in the shower ::: no
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: not a lot
Believe in yourself ::: ya
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: longass is a funny word.
Play an instrument ::: yeah
Want to go to college? ::: indeed
Want to get married? ::: ya
Want to have children? ::: i guess so
Think you're a health freak? ::: no
Get along with your parents ::: umm...I always get along with my dad!
Get along with your siblings? ::: ya
Think you're popular ::: I have some very good friends
Part 6 -- In the past month have you...
Gone out of state ::: no
Drank alcohol ::: no
Smoke ::: dude I told you I dont smoke
Get high ::: high on life!
Done any drugs ::: no
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: collectively through the days, yes
Been on stage ::: yes
Gone skinny dipping ::: no
Been dumped ::: no
Dyed your hair ::: air dry
Stolen anything ::: no
Part 7 -- Your friends! =D
Craziest ::: tie for katie K and Erin
Loudest ::: danalee?
Most shy ::: angela G
Blondest ::: alyssa G.
Smartest ::: asher, dang genuis
Kindest ::: prolly rebecca
Best personality ::: hahaha good one
Most talented ::: will
Best singer ::: i dont know...justin? alyssa K?
Most ghetto ::: none?
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: Mrs Thomas...I think shes a friend...
Pain in the ass ::: you dont want me to answer this
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::: richard (sorry pal)
Funniest ::: all the guys, basically
Best person for advice ::: rebecca
Dependable ::: josho
Trustworthy ::: all of them
Druggie ::: katie k....just kiddin!
Most likely to end up in jail ::: the stupid ones
Person you've known the longest ::: prolly alyssa K.
Part 8 -- The Last...
Last dream ::: dont rightly know
Last nightmare ::: I was in a hotel full of demons and one got me and made me dream (in my dream) about blood and death. I woke up in a sweat.
Car ride ::: to home, from friendlys
Last time you cried ::: couple days ago, yo
Last movie seen ::: Along Came Polly
Last movie rented ::: freaky friday
Last book read ::: to kill a mockingbird
Last word said ::: night
Last curse word said ::: shoot. I know, thats not a curse word.
Last time you laugh ::: that has some tense problems
Last phone call ::: to rebecca, and she was walking about 20 feet away from me and I didnt know it
Last CD played ::: BSYO from last season
Last song you listened to ::: "One is the Lonliest Number" coincidental, yes?
Last annoyance ::: stuff
Last IM ::: rebecca
Last weird encounter ::: excellent on the coolest flute trio in da world, yo
Last person you hugged ::: dont know
Last person you yelled at ::: mom
Last time you wore a skirt ::: why, right now!
Last time you've been evil ::: a couple minutes ago when I was telling someone to egg someone elses house. Hehehe.
Sarcastic? ::: thats not an answerable question
Last time you fought with your parents ::: couple days ago, only with me mum
Last time you wished upon a star ::: last night? yes.
Played Truth or Dare ::: its been a while
Spent quality time alone ::: its also been a while
Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: yes
Do you feel lonely ::: naaw
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: no
How about egging someone's house ::: nope
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: well your grammer could be better
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: no, eminem isnt, and I have no idea who 50 cent is, I thought that was a coin
Yo Momma ::: shut up
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: no, but Ive been so hungery that I felt like I could kill the person next to me
What do you think of George Bush? ::: hes looks dumb
Any secret fetishes? ::: feet!
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: very small ones, with charms on them
How many languages do you speak? ::: one fluently
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: no. Youre a wimp
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you XP)) ::: It was great.

It's Valentines Day.

I did my solo, both of them, with the same judge that hated our flute trio. My first one was my piccolo solo, and when I gave him the music, I, following the directions Mrs. Clew told me, gave him a pair of earplugs and said "Here's some earplugs if you want them." The whole room burst out laughing. I failed to see the humor in my statement, and I still don't see it. He laughed until the cows came home, saying what I did was a "great lunch topic." I even got a hearty laugh out of Mr. Krienes. But I was only doing what I was told to do. I bet he wished he used them, too, because I blew the room away with my piccolo awesomeness.

Then Emily went and it after that was time for my flauto solo. I was shankin pretty bad, and I've only had a week to put together the first movement, and the second movement was very vey flawed, but the third was in the best high spirit of ash playin the flute, and he liked it I think.
In any case, I got superiours on both of them, and the day was happy, except I was dumb and wore my shoes with knives in them and my feet were not feelin too great by that point. I took them off and went barefoot the rest of the day, because the puss from the knive cuts was getting on my shoes.

Then me and me mom drove one and a half hours to orch rehersal, attended rehearsal, and drove back. On the way back I opened a jello cheesecake pudding with red sauce stuff on the top and it got all over my white shirt and that was an adventure.

Then I had the best woodwind trio in the land. We played at a "very mature playing level" and convinced the judge to want to work with our band. It was popular, I think, because everyone worth a star was in that room. Boo, ya. When they posted out rating (superior) Andrew yelled louder than I have ever seen him yell before. But it was yelling for joy. He created this quintet, after all. That judge kinda freaked me out. He would say stuff and I wondered why he said that. Like one time he randomly said "It's like walking into an elevator" and he made a motion like he was walking into an elevator, and he stood there (apparently when thge evelator was moving) for quite a while before he starting talking again. Weird man, but he liked us. We were afraid, because he gave more ratings of good that day then superiours. And more excellents than both of them. But we made the cut. Thank you, Alyssa, Erin, Will, and Andrew. I'm very lucky to be able to play with you all. I love you guys.

And then I went to Friendlys with Rebecca, Shannon, Alyssa, and Albert. Good stuff, in that Friendlys.

Have fun, all you crazy couples out there. Make sure its good CLEAN fun, though.

k-JOW, thats all for now.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Lots of bad things happened today, but I'm still in a really good mood. Don't get me wrong, lots of good things happened too. But I think more bad happened than in a normal day. Anyway, there's a long, sweet weekend up ahead and I don't want to miss out by being sad.

Moral of today: Don't overanalyze things. If something is simple, don't try to look for something thats not there.
Such as: (I say while listening to that one song "What if God was one of us..." after she sings a line about no one calling God on his phone) "Well, if God was one of us, and he didnt tell anyone, and he didn't tell anyone his phone number, of course no one is going to call him! Maybe if we knew, he would get a lot of calls. This song is dumb"

Apparently I have very bad interpretations of things, that has been my downfall today. First, I misinterpreted the attitude of Goodman in the essays we got back. A note from the teacher at the bottom said "Ashley, your analysis is actually quite good, but I worry that you've misinterpreted Goodman's attitude, as it is clearly contemptuous of Phil and everything he represents. I would love to hear more about how you came to your conclusion, but I have to follow the AP rubric which does address interpretation of attitude even though I think you deserve a higher score."

Then came solo and ensmble, where you all well know that me Katie and Alyssa are playing the lovely Spirit of the Ink by Hovhaness.
Let me tell you something about this piece if you've never heard it before (I think listening to this piece is something everyone should do at least once in their life, but good luck getting a recording). Basically, it's a bunch of really loud high notes put together in no order whatsoever. It something I would call a "Round from Hell" in a scary voice. None of the parts fit together, there is no melody or harmony, there is no musical line, and there are no dynamics, except loud. (None of this applys for the third movement, which is pretty pretty). The most contemporary piece of music I have ever heard in my life, I don't think it's meant to be understood, but to remain enigmatic. I mean, if you think you've heard weird contemporary, you ain't seen nothin yet until you've heard this. Still, describing it means nothing until you have actually heard it. It's an experience, Ill tell ya. It's one of those things that you either love or you hate (kinda like Mr Collier). Most people hate it, but I love it, and so do Alyssa and Katie. Which is why we played it.

Having said that, you'll understand that our judge did not happen to like it.
We played the piece how we interpreted it, and he did not see eye to eye on anything we played. He's a very good judge, because he can find good and bad in every piece he listened to. The good he found in what we played was that everything was technically perfect. The bad he found was just about everything else: balance, intonation, expression, dynamics, and phrasing. He commented about every one of these things, and basically told us that we suck at everything. We played all these things the way we interpreted it, but he did not understand. Plus he hated the piece, you could tell. The first thing he said after we played was "Okay....ummm.....where did you find this?"
Which is why we got an excellent.
I'm not upset at the least. I laughed my head off when I found out our rating. I mean, if you don't understand a piece of course youre not going to like the way a group plays it. What he said about intonation was the only thing I think he said that had some value to it. We did play out of tune practically the whole time, yes, but we were out of tune together, so we were in tune with each other. Does that count?

The craziest thing I think he said was that we should have numbered our measures. Theres no measures in the dang piece! That one really got me laughin. How stupid can someone get? Theres no phrases, no measures, no time where we all play together, nothin (again none of this applies to the third movement, the most dear. which we did number). I'd like to see him try to devise some way to number the nonexistant measures. I'd be pretty comical indeed.

Oh well, it's a funny thing, not so much a slap in the face as a wake up call ("People dont generally like Hovahness") that most people dont have extreme tastes like us. Old Chomsky is riht when he says that society is conditioning you to think a certain way, and if you dont think that way then you are punished. I've given you two examples already, and they both happened today.
I'm very lucky, you know, to have Alyssa and Katie go to school with me. It makes my life oh so much better. I loved watching the confused expression on peoples faces, and watching people cover their ears and ask us to stop. I actually kinda fond of the idea of liking something that no one else likes and semi-understanding something that no one understands. I had a lot of fun playing it. Long live the Spirit of Ink.

Curse me and my screwed up interpretation. I've always seen things a bit different from everyone else. I don't know what it is.

This also made me realize that all four things that I'm playing for solo and ensemble are all extremely contemporary. That junior year, I'm tellin ya, theres some kind of weirdness going on.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Today at lunch I turned around and saw Mr. Schwindt walking through the commons area. It was the weirdest thing ever.

Yeah, tomorrow's S and E and stuff, and the next day too. Tomorrows the awesome flute trio that everyone should listen to because it will kill everyone. Saturday is Valentines Day and this is what I'm doing:
Date with Muczynski, then Lowell Liebermann at solo and ensemble.
Listen to Katie and maybe some others, prolly.
Orchestra rehearsal
Date with Pershecetti (that was pathetically spelled, I know, but what are you gonna do) at solo and ensemble

My flutes gonna be pretty dang happy. I need to make copies of my music. I need to number the first movement.

Everything is better.

I don't understand Noam Chomsky.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

So anyway, todays Florda math league was killer. I think I only got one right. I thought I got the second one right, but it turns out you cant make a triangle out of sides of one, one, and two. Imagine that.
I gots no homework, so I can really get into the book I got at the library, The Catcher in the Rye. Or practice. Or watch sitcoms and reality shows for five hours. Hmmm, work or watch tv, work or watch tv...or I could watch tv every night of the week and never get any work done. That would be absolutely wonderful!

And then have a pleasant sweet attitude at home? How does that sound?

Doesn't sound good?
Quel dommage...

Monday, February 09, 2004

At dinner tonight

All is silent
Dad: Why aren't youse guys talking?
Mom: Theres nothing to say
Me: I never talk
Dad: This is a monumental moment in time! The first mother-daughter fight! Dont worry, your mother had these all the time with her mother. I dont know if shes had one lately though...
Mom (growling): I would strongly advise you to shut up right now...
(I grinned for a while after that)
Remember all the times I said that someday I was gonna snap from all the constant yelling from my mom?
well, last night,
it happened.

Now I am exhausted in body and soul.
There is no emotion left.
I used it all.
Jesus help me.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

FYAO concert today:
Shubert (a movement from Rosamunde), Mendelssohn (Minuetto from Symphony 8), and Cimarsoa (Overture to Il Matrimono Segreto)
I like chamber orchestra, it's good stuff. As long as you are principle flute and not second.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Clean house
Bike ride to library
Calc homework
Clean bathroom
Dinner (Subway!)
Movie (self-reward for good behavior)

And all done in the peaceful setting of solitude.

Thats the life of a super hero secret agent ninja poet wizard vice president who steals peoples hearts away and then throws them in the acheron river.

Friday, February 06, 2004

True story:
A few moments ago, I decided that I needed to blow my nose, so I took a tissue out of the newly-opened tissue box. Something inside me urged me to examine the tissue closely. As I looked at it, I noticed that the angle of light I was standing at caused tiny particles in the tissue to reflect the light, creating a shimmery sparkle that was very beautiful. It seemed made for royalty, not for a schoolgirl like me. I was taken aback that such a commonplace item (one of the items which I, along with the common Americans, take for granted) could behold such magical hidden beauty. I almost did not believe it, so I hesitantly plucked another tissue from the box. This one had the same effect on the light: a beautiful shimmery sparkle that took my breath away. After a small period of time to take advantage of the moment and admire the beauty of tissues, I blew my nose and threw them both out. After all, I have 98 more moments like this waiting in the box.

But they may never be the same.
Stuff about me that maybe someone cares to read!

[ You Talked to ] mom
[ You Hugged ] mom
[ You Instant messaged ] asher
[ You Were Annoyed With ] myself

[ Food ] chicken, spahghetti, fish
[ Drink ] raspberry melonade
[ Color ] purple or pink or something
[ Shoes ] Dinkles. They are s'dang comfortable.
[ Candy ] high quality chocolate
[ Movie ] Lord of the Rings

[ in the morning I am ] breathing
[ all I need is ] love
[ love is ] unpredicatable
[ i'm afraid of ] losing everything
[ I dream about ] dark streets with vendors and them during Halloween night/fictional amusement parks
[ I hate ] Space Coast Jr./Sr. High School, pep rallies, Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever"

[ been in love ] haha thatsa funny
[ cried when someone died ] no
[ lied ] yes

[ what you notice first ] general personality and appearance
[ worst question to ask ] huh? I dont understand
[ turn ons ] sandals (a little known fact)
[ turn offs ] smoking, spitting, listening to solely rap

[ makes you laugh the most ] lots of people. Craig maybe.
[ makes you smile ] Mr. Good Fortune
[ do you have a crush on ] Im nota tellin
[ has a crush on you ] somebody, maybe
[ is the easiest to talk to ] el flauto

[ sit on the Internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you ] not all night, but maybe
[ save aol/aim conversations ] naw
[ wish you were a member of the opposite sex ] seldom
[ cry because someone said something to you ] not after about 7 years old

[ fallen for your best friend ] ::falls off chair so best friend could have it:: yes
[ rejected someone ] please dont bring that up
[ used someone ] dont think so..
[ been used ] maybe
[ cheated on someone ] no
[ been cheated on ] I sure hope not
[ done something you regret ] yes yes yes the regretable situations are the most important

[ smoke cigarettes ] no
[ obsessive ] a little
[ could you live without the computer ] yes
[ ever get off the damn computer] yes
[ how many peeps are on your buddy list ] 56
[ like watching sunrises or sunset ] yes
[ what hurts the most: physical pain or emotional pain ] they both hurt in different ways. Not fair.
[ trust others way too easily ] maybe, but I dont think so

[ of times I have had my heart broken ] your heart cant break if you are a robot. They dont have hearts
[ of hearts I have broken ] 453
[ of continents I have lived in ] oonnnnneee
[ of scars on my body ] 5
[ of things in my past that I regret ] 710

[ understanding ] no
[ open-minded ] yes
[ arrogant ] yes
[ insecure ] not really
[ interesting ] no
[ hungry ] a little
[ friendly ] yes
[ smart ] smrt
[ moody] not particularly
[ immature ] at times...most times...
[ independent ] very
[ hard working ] yes
[ organized ] moderately
[ emotionally stable ] yes
[ shy ] no
[ difficult ] huh
[ obsessed ] with LOTR!

[ Clothes ] jeans and tee
[ Mood ] tired
[ Taste ] granola bar
[ Hair ] same hair Ive always had...
[ Worry ] I suck at flute
I'm tired, it's been a very long week.
It's lookin like its gonna be a restful weekend.
I want to go see a movie tonight but nobody else wants to.
My parents gave me money to spend this weekend.
I need to practice, I'm good at not playing well.
I had a good tone day today.


Thursday, February 05, 2004

What is your favorite..
gum: Strawberry big gum thing brand. I cant remember
restaurant: Chefs, but Olive Garden will do
drink: melonade
season: fall
type of weather: warm and sunny room temperature
emotion: hyper
thing to do on a half day: discuss what to do the rest of the day
late-night activity: talk on AIM
sport: gymnasto
city: favo hometown of Buffalo, minus the weather. Thats prolly a lie.
store: The Horn Section and Fluteworld

When was the last time you..
cried: last summer I think
played a sport: oh freshman year, prolly, and only because I had to
laughed: prolly about 15 min ago
hugged someone: cant quite remember
kissed someone: its been a while
felt depressed: sometime last week
felt elated: today in fourth when I started laughing and even more elated last Fri when I won
felt overworked: last night
faked sick: Dont believe I've done that for a good number of years
lied: hmm. Dont know.

What was the last..
word you said: "Katie" if you dont count singing along with song lyrics
thing you ate: some gummi worms
song you listened to: "Complicated" Avril Lavegne
thing you drank: a berry juice box
place you went to: the computer room
movie you saw: A Mighty Wind
movie you rented: umm...Freaky Friday I think.
concert you attended: the allcounty concert last Sat

Who was the last person you..
hugged: dont know
cried over: myself
kissed: I dont like this question
danced with: myself. This is true.
shared a secret with: everyone in my close group of friends. Ah well everyone knows by this point anyway.
had a sleepover with: dont remember. I'm guessing Erin Rebecca and Alyssa. Oh yeah at Triststate. Thats prolly it.
called: the Kellys, I think. Maybe Erin.
went to a movie with: Mom and Craig
saw: my dad
were angry with: my mom
couldn't take your eyes off of: someone
obsessed over: I dont obsess

Have you ever..
danced in the rain: but of course
kissed someone: yes
done drugs: only perscription drugs
drank alcohol: no
slept around: around what?
partied 'til the sun came up: many a time
had a movie marathon: nope, but planning the LOTR one once the RotK comes out in extended version. Sometime in the summer, I spose.
gone too far on a dare: no. I generally dont take dares.
spun until you were immensely dizzy: hasnt everyone?
taken a survey quite like this before: that sounds very suspicious to me

In Seventeen magazine this month they have a "love forecast" for the year, kinda like a horoscopes but for love stuff. They said I'd be too busy with my own schedule to juggle dating too, but only until Feb. 6, when my "house of dating will open." So there you have it. Tomorrows the magic day.

Time for The Pointless Story of the Day!
So yeah, today in fourth we were supposed to be reading Hayakawa and writing stuff about it, when I turned the page and theres a tremendously funny drawing on it. It's labeled "Frantic escape from the burden of silence" and it looks a little bit like two deformed frogs sitting in chairs trying to kiss each other but not being able to. They also have poppy eyes and arms in the wrong places, which multiplied the humor to my breaking point. As soon as I saw this drawing, I knew I shouldn't have eaten those gummi worms at lunch, because I laughed as uncontrollably as Craig the first time he saw the Teen Girl Squad or Alyssa's drawing of the guy in a trench coat being hit with a football. I laughed so hard that tears started coming to my eyes and my stomach hurt a lot. Nobody else thought it was that funny. But it was-it is. I actually had to cover the picture up the rest of the block so I wouldnt be distracted from the reading. Funny pictures, oh the little joys in life.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Beautiful day, nothing to say. D'habitude.
This is a good lofe, that's what I say.
I guess I'm one of those larks she was talking about.
Ah well, what are ya gonna do.
I need to go study
and practice
practice indeed...

Sometimes people who usually call me ash call me "Ashley" and it's really weird. I'll be like "You just called me Ashley!" and they'll be like "So?" and I'll be like "Youve never called me that before" and they'll think about it for a second and say I guess not.

From NPR:
"It's 5:30 in the morning! Let's go practice."
"Okay Johnny."

Guten tag!

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I think some people who complain that I don't practice enough need to try to walk in my shoes once in a while.
AM I THE ONLY ONE IN THIS WORLD WITHOUT A SICK MIND? People percieve this as innocence, or even ignorance. It is neither. I don't enjoy dirty jokes. I do not laugh at them. Maybe I do know less about these topics than other people. Is this a bad thing?

Different topic:
Theres so much more to life than I think there is. Theres so much out there that I haven't experienced. I seem to live in my own little world, with myself a and nobody else. And it's true. When you come down to it, the only person you really have to rely on is yourself. It makes me a bit sad to think of that. You can tell people what you have experienced, but they will never know what it means to you, or what it was really like, unless they become you and do it. Everyone has a different set of experiences, and that is what makes people unique and special. But it brings me down when I think that nobody will really understand what happens to me. Not fully. They can try, but they will never know. You may say something like "I can share this burden with you," but you can't. What happens to one person happens only to that person. Accordingly, I will never fully understand the actions and values of others. So in truth, everyone is alone.

Go outside for a second. Look up at the sky. That always puts things into perspective for me. Gives me a sense that I am not alone, that someone is out there, and that someone understands. But I guess you'll never know.

Oh the joys os S'mores Ritz Bits.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Now I have to go back to Earth from Ashfluteland. Oh but I wish I could stay there forever...
That was the most amazing weekend of my life and I am so serious. After you hear why you'll agree. There's no beating that weekend. I'll go in sequential order.

1) Hung out with my friends at allcounty
2) Rehearsed with Dr. Laslo Marosi (more about him later)
3) Won the piccolo audition
4a) Rehearsed with Linda Mark, principle accompanist from Julliard
4b) Got asked to play at a class with Linda Mark
5) Played beautifully at the concerto competition with Ms. Mark
6) People constantly telling me how truly wonderful I sounded
7) Listened to a concert with Michael Parloff from the Metropolitan Opera. Man he has some mad control on that dang flute
8) Found out I won the concerto competition
9) Recieved $250 and three Gilbert books as a prize
10) Mrs. Clew- "Me and Mrs. Amsler were talking, and we have've got what it takes" said with a sly smile on her face
11) Ate a fish filet at Burger King

1) Congrats card from Kellys
2) Rehearsed with Dr. Marosi again
3) Free doughnuts after rehearsal
4) Came home to roses and a congrats card
5) Three hour nap (I'm not lazy; I needed it)
6) Went to Craker Barrel with parents and grandparents
7) Had the best allcounty concert I have ever had- playing piccolo only, conducted by Dr. Marosi, a repetoire made for kings, the works
6) Ate ice cream at home

1) Warmed up with Rhonda Larson, a grammy award winning flutist
2) Played at Ms. Mark's class
3) Had a lesson with Prof. Amsler, flute teacher at Stetson, who told me that I, out of the college and high school finalists, was the one who was most "fresh and new." Two of the college finalists were her very own students.
4) Rehearsed the new flute choir music that I was to perform in an hour
5) Performed the Hue one last time
6) !!!!!Mr. Schwindt came to hear me play!!!!! And Mrs. Wilkins!
7) Played in the final concet with senior honors choir
8) Ate at Subway, with fresh cookies

The only reason I believe that this is all real is because I had to do five hours of homework at the end, thus missing all of the super bowl (big deal) and putting me to bed at 11:00 (no good). And I didn't even finish it all...

But yeah, don't you agree now, that that would be the best weekend of someones life ever? Well I don't care what you think. Because it was. Did you notice that every day ends with some good eats? I have concluded that there are three things which can make any situation, anything at all, better:
1) good food
2) good music
3) true friends

And man Mr. Schwindt went to my concert!!! WAAHHH!!! Thats absolutely insane! He never goes to concerts! But he went to mine! WOWOWOW

Dr. Laslo Marosi is the orchestra conductor from UCF. He is from Hungary, and he has the coolest accent I have ever heard in my life. I could just sit and listen to him talk all day. He looks a little like a chubby Dave Alex. He never puts anyone down, ever. In fact, he's always very happy, even if he is a bit out of it. When rehersing people in band, and they do something wrong, he just laughs and tries it again. I don't know how many times he told me during a break "Thanke you for de piccolo" in his cool little accent. He makes awesome metaphors, like "It's like a big sound sausage" and messes up words occasianally, saying things like "you have to continue the bottle" instead of "you have to continue the battle." Along with knowing how to effectively rehearse, he knows a mulitude about music in general, and he taught us about accents, chords, and other musical things. He also knows everything possible about the music we played- what the composer was like, why he wrote it, what the music is about, etc. He instantly captures the attention of his audience from his energy and spirit and upbeatness. And I love him very much.

This was a weekend to remember, my friends. Goodnight.