Thursday, July 31, 2008

Strange phone call today...Katherine Kemler called because she wants a page turner for her recital at NFA. ?? I said I could do it. Obviously.

I attempted to take a practice GRE today and I couldn't get throught the third section. Too much thinking!! That's like four straight hours of testing. BOOOO. I really don't want to take that test...Ah well, come Saturday night, it'll be over.

Ultimate today better not get rained out.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I skipped lunch today and I am hungry.

When you think about it, though, feeling hungry is actually a good thing to feel. It means you're healthy. When you're sick, you lose your appetite. When you're terribly nervous, you can't eat. So to feel hungry means you are neither sick nor terribly nervous. And that is a comforting thought, isn't it?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sept. 17, 2005:

So last night, a bunch of people were in my/Sarah's room playing a game, and some of the boys found my slinky and decided to experiment with it. (Experiment meaning stretching it the length of the hall and letting one end go so it shoots in the other direction.) Needless to say, my slinky broke. So one of the guys said he'd buy me a new one. I was like, "okay whatever."

So today, I'm in my dorm room, and the guy comes by with the slinky. He pulls it out and says "This one was plastic, so I got this one too," he pulls out a metal slinky "Which was smaller then the one you had" he pulls out a tiny metal slinky "so I got this one just for fun."I now have three slinkies whcih can fit into each other. The baby one is so cute.

I'd like to use this incident as a metaphor to life. Sometimes bad things happen (some boys break your slinky) and you don't see how anything good could possibly come of it. But there is a reason for everything: God will provide, and you will always end up with three slinkies in the end.
With a wink to May 25, 2008 and the more disciplined person I was and still could be.

Monday, July 28, 2008

p.s. Bad decisions are worse than good decisions.
Universal was fun for the whole family (or at least most of it).
We got wet.
Then we got dry.
Then we got wet again.

I'm not feelin' so good today.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls: on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all he had and bought it.

Matthew 13:45

I must not to neglect the important things. Don't let me forget.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I just played the entire Mendelssohn's Scherzo excerpt slurred without taking any extra breaths at quarter note=84. I just wanted to throw that out there.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Some days I think about things so much that I am suprised my head has not exploded yet. Today was one of those days.

Dinner party weeeee!
Universal weeeeee!
Letters from friends weeeee!

GRE, booo.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Life just makes me happy.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Why did I listen to that CD? That was a bad idea.

Those greeks had it right. Music has power that we don't understand.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


She exceeded all of my expectations, and I am SO auditining to ASU. It was a wonderful trip (despite getting in at 2 am last night).

Time for Ultimate!

P.S. I signed up to take ultimate as a class at FSU...that makes me cooler than you.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm going to Brevard to get a lesson from Dr. Liz from Arizona State. I know it doesn't make any sense. But I'll be back on Sunday. Hopefully.

From Brevard to Brevard and back to Brevard, that's what this trip is.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Perhaps eating half my weight in junk food an hour before going to bed wasn't the best idea...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sometimes I panic for no good reason.

Monday, July 14, 2008

New developments that I am not going to tell you about are making me happy!

Last week both of my Ultimate teams lost horribly. This week, both of my teams won by a lot. I like winning better than losing.

[vocabulary word]

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another lock-in last night (and this morning). Stayed up later than ever before. 24 hours straight till 8:10 AM. When I am that tired, I lose a lot of inhibitions. I think it's like being drunk, I wouldn't know. It's fun until I realize that I am acting incredibly stupid.

Love is a battlefield.
Thanks, Pat Benatar.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy birthday, Carl Orff!

I heard an hour of his ingenuous and sonorous music today. I never knew his music was so limpid. Check it out. Schulmusik. Awesome.
"You can't boo Derek Jeter! That's like booing the American flag!"

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

In these semi-diurnal posts between now and GRE time, I am going to attempt to use one or more vocabulary word in each post. I exhort you to look these words up if they seem abtruse, and I apologize if I may become garrulous or bombastic occasionally. I can only prognosticate that this ancillary practice will bolster my burgeoning knowledge of the English language.

Monday, July 07, 2008

It's not too late.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

I love this life. I love it, I just love it. I love Florida. These are without a doubt the good old days.

"God did a good job today, didn't he, grandma?"
-2nd cousin Elizabeth (5 yrs old)

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Yesterday was pretty much the best day ever. Beach, Yanks oust Boston, and the first ever T-ville GIRLS NIGHT!

The beach is amazing at low tide. It leaves this very shallow film of water in front of the ocean, and the beach is about twice as big. That's when they must take all of those postcard pictures. It's beautiful. I didn't want to leave. My mild sunburn is proof.

In other news...
I have been cured of the practice plague, where I feel guilty whenever I don't practice. I have been set free.

God, family, friends, flute.
"Dad, I am never going to be good at Ultimate."
"I thought you said you were getting better?"
"I am, but no matter what I do, I am still always going to be 5'1""
(he thinks for a while) "maybe someday you'll be 5 foot."

As the fireworks explode over the river:
"I wonder what the fish are thinking."

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy birthday, America! (and Stephen Foster)

Oh JP, look what you have started...

(This is stolen from Craig and is absolutely hilarious. Give it a try.)

Thursday, July 03, 2008

My computer is up and running once again! Wee!

Write and delete, that's all I do on here. So much self-censoring.

My dad made a mix CD of oldies love songs. I have been listening to it constantly and I have to admit that for as hard a heart as I have, some of those songs are very sweet. I guess it's the music that makes the difference.

Bee Gees:
You don't know what it's like
Baby, you don't know what it's like
To love somebody
To love somebody
The way I love you

Looking out from my lonely room
Day after day
Bring it home, baby make it soon
I give my love
To you

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Posting from the PSJ public library right now. I was using our computer yesterday when the lightning struck, and our internet hasn't been working right ever since.

I hope we get it fixed today because I really need to keep open the lines of communication with these grad school teachers and I need to sign up for the GRE some day.

It was a crazy day at work, complete with the Titusville police and a security breach. Woah!

So much more to write but I hate surfing the net in these public places.

Someone keeps farting.