Friday, February 28, 2003

Exams are done.
Going to see Chicago.
Friday night.
In a good mood.
Oh yeah.
Life is good.

Shannon, how'd you put music on your blogger? I'm gonna find out.

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Ok, ok, so I havent posted in a while. Ya know, sometimes there are more important things to do than post in your blogger. As for you who haven't noticed yet, I have changed my blogger name to trpanmftequwnfgs (dont try to decode it, it won't work) for no reason in particular. I just thought it would be funny if I saw a blogger with that name on the home page under "recently published blogs." Maybe somewhere I'll brighten someones day with this humorous name. I dont know.
I think it's funny that everyone in my homeroom hates Schwindt and Ms. Chapman. Everyone is like "Theyre so mean! I just want to kill them." and then they say that Schwindt looks like a chipmunk. But I know them better and neither Schwindt nor Chapman is mean. But I guess people are entitled to their opinions. It's like when someone doesnt know that you are so close to someone else and they start talking about him and you hear it and are like "I heard that." That happened to me a lot of times last year. Someone would just start talking about Craig and I'd be like "Ummm, that's my brother" and theyd turn all white and run away. It was funy.

It's funny, because I should be studying for exams but I'm not. La de dah.

In French today:
"It's de not des...duh!"

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Congratulations, you're Atlanta, jewel of the South.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.
qawsehnelr zifs psmtbufpjimd.
It's a secret message. Try to decode it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

You are an angel.

What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

Funshine Bear
You are filled with unlimited energy and extremely resourceful. You like to tackle problems and tasks head-on and you gladly accept any jobs that come along the way. However, you often take on too much and your stubbornness won't allow you to accept help from others. But you're always willing to have a good time!

Do you ever get that feeling that you've done something wrong, but you don't know what? I have that now. I mean, I think I've done everything right. I just feel guilty. I don't know about this...
I had no homework today. Why couldn't that have happened yesterday when I stayed up till 12:00 doing homework? No no no, that would just be too dang easy. Things never work that way. And I still need to learn the stupid stupid circle. Stupid circle. And I'm going to bed early today. I'm serious this time.

Ya know, when everything else is gone, God will still be there. Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?

Bah humbug. I hate being here. We've been reading a book in English called All Quiet on the Western Front, and it's about war. They decribe the bombs as perpetually blowing up in the distance, and the sound stays in the head. They say it makes them nervous and never able to rest. That's kinda how the yelling is here at home. It's always going on, therefore I can never be at peace at home. And even if the yelling is not directed toward me, I know it will be soon. Just like the bombs. I tend to spend most of my time at home in my room with my door closed and music blasting and they wonder why. Why? Because if I make any contact, she'll yell at me for something or another, and with my music blasting, I can't hear her yelling at anyone else. That's why. She really needs to control her temper. I'm surprised that I come from such a rageful person, because I have a fairly mild temper.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Why is it that every Tuesday, I get screwed over by flute lessons?
Blast it all, I say!
::stomps out the door in a rage::

Sunday, February 16, 2003

My oh my.
Could someone please tell me what is going on?

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Hey everybody! It's good mood time!!!
I don't know what to say. I never know what to say. Why did I start a blogger anyway? Because I I think everyone should hear my petty wordly complaints? Because I need to uncover some of the feelings which hide within the depths of my soul? Because I have ideas about life that can blossom new thought in idle minds?
Because I thought they were cool.

Here's the words to the song I have stuck in my head (my theory is that I have songs perpetually stuck in my head, but they only reveal themselves when I'm not concentrating on anything else)
Lost in the Wilderness
I never made this world
I didn't even lose it,
and I know no one said it was fair.
But, they had a garden once
They had a chance to choose it
and they gave it away including my share.

And now we're lost in the wilderness
Lost, crying, in the wilderness
and if anyone is watching,
it seems they couldn't care less.
We're lost in the wilderness.

You follow all the rules.
You swallow all the stories.
Every night, you wish on a star.
Dreaming your day will come,
trusting an allegory,
but every morning, boy, look where you are.

Lost in the wilderness
Lost, slowly dying in the wilderness
With no chance of living, boy, until you confess
You're lost in the wilderness

Don't you ever watch the eagle fly to the sun
and wonder how he got to be so free?
Don't you ever have to know
you're journey's begun?
Hey, what have we got to lose, boy?
We've already been lost in the wilderness.
And where we are headed, boy, I couldn't even guess.
but off we go without a warning
running as we hit the ground
Where our future lies in morning
where our hearts are outward bound
To one bright and distant morning,
we may stop to look around
And there, in the wilderness,
finally we'll be home.

And there you have it. It's called "Lost in the Wilderness" from Children of Eden. Ten points if you can guess what biblical character sings it.

Saturday, February 08, 2003

Oh dear.

Not much to say here. Spent the day cleaning and practicing. One of those "good for you" days. Eh.

Friday, February 07, 2003

Came home. Played Animal Crossing for two hours with Rebecca. Ate dinner. Got a movie at Blockbuster. Got candy at Eckards. Watched movie and ate candy with Erin and Rebecca. Felt sick from all the candy. I feel like I'm gonna blow up.
Mr. Deeds is funy.
"I think you underestimate the power of the sneakiness"

Got stupid repetoire class tomorrow. I've neglected my solo soo much (stupid Young Artist took over my life). Good thing I'm a decent sightreader. And I shouldnt even be doing a picc solo. I wanted to do Carnival of Venice soo bad, but I havent put in the practice time to make it work and it sounds bad. I should just DNA it because its certainly not ready but Im an idiot and refuse to do what is best. I almost wish I wasnt picked for stupid competition. Almost. (laughs maliciously)
I was gonna put the random quote that I thought of today in here, but I forgot it. I think it had something to do with monkeys.

Yesterday, right before I woke up in the morning, I had a dream that I was going to sleep. Then I woke up, and it was cruel because I thought I was just going to bed. It was awful. This is a true story, everyone.

I am sleepy. Goodnight, moon.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Wow. I dont think I've ever been done with my homework so early in my life. (Thats a lie, of course.) It only took (looks at watch) one hour!!! Now I'm like, woah. Theres nothing else to do. Thats is, theres much to do, but I get to choose what. Because my homework is done. I mean, it's like totally over. Gone. Finished. And theres no crazy rehersal or sectional or lesson or anything. I mean, there's nothing! Maybe I'll go to bed early or practice or read my book or waste time writing in my blogger. I've got so much time!!! This is truly amazing. I mean it. This is weird.
I got my allcounty cd yesterday. My mom wanted to order two cds (for craig and me) but she messed up the order form and somehow ended up getting the stupid plaque thing. It's so dumb. It comes with a blank cd with your name on it. But the listening cd itself is really good. I can hear myself (which is a little scary) but I didnt mess up at allcounty, and its all good. I think if my life had a theme song, it would be Children's March.."Over the Hills and Far Away" (and no not the gay gay gay version, because I know thats what youre thinking). Or farandole or something happy like that.
I also thought speech of angels was pretty dang cool. I like to make up stories to the music. I did that to the entire length of russian christmas music once when I was bored. Just to entertain myself.
Well, I need to go make better use of my blessed time. I'll catch ya on the flip side.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

My words aren't strong enough to be able to decribe how moved I am. I wish I could write well (like Asher). Somehow, be able to magically express feelings to the written word...oh how wonderful.

My allstate conductor last year made a great distinction between "feelings" and "emotions". Emotions are like love and jealousy and happiness. Everyone knows these because they are natural. We are born with most. Feelings are something you cant describe. They are what you feel when you hear a piece of music or read a beautiful piece of writing or remember. I wish I brought a tape recorer to those practices. He was a wise, wise, man, he was.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

You are wrong. The forbidden fruit has a bitter taste.
And exponential functions never have a vertical asymptote. The domain is all real numbers. Stupid.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Hmmm. How to approach this weekend...well, I guess I'll start at the beginning.

O.K, so there's five flutes and they go in this order: Alice (freshman), Elizabeth (sophomore), Helen (junior), me, and Fuko (senior). I listened to the first two and the last one. Alice did a very poor job, an agreed decision by my roomies and my flute teacher. Elizabeth goes and sounds pretty good, but you could definatly tell she couldve done better. As I was walking to the warm up hall, my teacher tells me her weakness was breathing. "ok," I think. "Just gotta breathe." I didnt hear Helen, but Katie and others told me she just did horrible. Blasted horrible. She played from memory, and she forgot the whole "spot" (about 20 measures of music) and stood there in a panic. But I didnt learn this till after my performance, so from as much as I assumed at the time, she did great. Then it was my turn. I was very nervous walking out, but no nerves could keep that smile off my face. I was not happy with my performance and neither was my teacher. I made way too many mistakes to be happy about it. But they were all little; I felt the music, nerves didnt hinder my tone, and I smiled when I was done. My roomates felt I played beautifully, but I just didnt like it. I didnt care though. Once I was done, I was the happiest girl in the world to have all that weight lifted off my shoulders. No more young artists!! It was like a dream come true. Plus it wasnt a disaster as I feared. I couldve done better, but oh I couldve done worse. Fuko went, and she played everything perfectly, but very very bland. With no expression. So by the end, we had figured that the order would be something like Elizabeth, Fuko, me, Alice, Helen. They said I was "In the mix."
Later that night was the awards reception. We all lined up and the results were 1st-Helen 2nd-Fuko 3rd-Alice (the other two are non-winners*). Such as is life. Helen has the worst performace possibly of her life and she still wins. Thats why my blog is named the way it is, for instances like this. My smile, though was quite genuine as I recieved my certificate. I was happy to make it that far, of course, but even more happy that it was all over. I stressed over that way way too much. I hated it! Ahh, but I'm home sweet home now and everything is good. More later, my mom is getting mad that I'm using the comp.
Oh yeah and Katie is very funny.