Friday, August 23, 2013

Sometimes I ponder the trajectory of the life of my co-workers, who all grew up here in Arizona, or the lives of my friends in Florida who have never left home, and I am sad and jealous. Because I miss my family and I miss home. I miss the summer of 2008, when I belonged, when I really knew what friendship was. I was truly happy then, young and free with all the time in the world. I knew I was happy, I thanked God every single night for my blessings, and I knew I should cherish that time, because even then I perceived that someday, sooner or later, I would leave.

Things change. If I didn't leave, others would. Life is a revolving door of people and only the truly special maintain their high status.

I wonder... do people think about the trajectory of my life? What do they see? Well... I suppose they see that I have settled into a quiet, contented life with a man who gives me all the love in the world. With time and resources to indulge in piano, frisbee, cats, trips, and yes... the occasional trip back home. A life that many, many people strive for, but never achieve. Are people jealous of what my life has become? Perhaps. And that, I suppose, is also a reason to count my blessings.